Aurelius Robles

Rilly, rilly nice!!!

I was in tears. Yesterday I heard a fucking horrific story of domestic violence in one of my student’s families. After reading this I’m considering becoming a masked vigilante.

Yeah, I got nothing. Hope they catch the bastard.

I feel this article deserves a comment, so here goes... What the fuck?!

Jesus Christ thank finally someone asked ! Guess I don't have a #proudmommy :(

What do you feed that thing? LOL

I wish my mom would talk about my vagina like that :(

gluten free

huge dongs?

Lol right, like what is the answer there

Isn’t it great when you meet, or in this case get a view into, people’s parents and all of the sudden you are like

The fact that he referred to himself as “daddy” makes it worse somehow.


Right? That shade of pink was lovely.

It could take dark Aeons.

All praise Cthulhu.

Exactly. White people.