Aurelius Robles

Or maybe do drugs?

Or do more?

Ah yes 4Chan users, the real victims!

So 4chan is kinda like the Donald Trump of the internet; A never ending stream of loathsome bullshit?

kind of a #notallmen argument you’ve got there.

Young, sexually frustrated white men are the real terrorists in this country. fuck man...

These shootings are fucking ridiculous. Fuck everyone who says we don’t need stricter gun control laws.

Love how someone was like, I'll be watching the news. Great. Awesome. Love the good people over at 4chan. JUST FUCKING GREAT.

Of course he used 4chan. Of course.

My bra is also named Cacique.

The next speaker’s first move will be to remove the no shirt/no shoes rule of the House.


Eh. I’m sure if it doesn’t work out she’ll just be able to put it all behind her.

I don’t know how she’ll feel about being the butt of a joke tho

Ooh ooh, we can hope the Republicans -don’t- rally around one candidate and instead split the vote. Then you know what we have? Speaker Pelosi.

For all of Boehner’s faults, from what I have been reading he was basically the cap on the horrible spout. Not so great himself but he kept the worst from happening repeatedly.

Kevin McCarthy is the safe bet, I think. He's pro-life and anti-climate change action! Super!

I understand Ramsay Bolton is a dark-horse contender.

Kevin McCarthy looks like the heir apparent. He has sided with the TeaParty recently. But the math of congress hasn’t changed. The only thing a house speaker can really screw the country on in the next year is the debt ceiling vote. If Boehner can do that before he leaves, there isn’t too much to worry about.

That’s my cynical take too. Everyone was excited and I’m like, He’s a known quantity. When it comes to the Republicans, your chances of getting worse far outstrip your chances of someone better.