
Ban sexual content, but let minors see as much violence as they want. America!

Jeez, if only we cared this much about destroying that other planet! you know, the one that supports all human life that ever has and ever will exist?

10 to 1 says that Trump’s boys massively shorted stocks today, or any other day Trump makes a similar announcement. And that’s reason enough for him.

I am having such a hard time containing my outright glee at the events of the past 24 hours.

She’s 29? Why is it that nasty people always look a whole hell of a lot older. I pegged her for being at least 35 and maybe even 40.

If you steal a dollar, you are a criminal; if you steal a billion dollars, you are a genius.

there’s male pattern baldness, and there’s concentrated evil that results in hair loss

That man is a fucking legend.

I’m sorry, we’re now demonizing people for THIS? We’re calling Bushnell abusive because he invited a woman into a hot tub and has commented on their figures? 30 years ago?

So the worst thing that we could dig up was that over 30 years ago he once tried to get a woman into a hot-tub and that he once complimented another woman’s figure in an aritcle in Playboy.

People were all about “free love” in the sixties and they act all surprised when lax morals carry on in the seventies.

/sigh. Here we go with this crap again. Let’s wind the clocks back a year. All this PC crap, these allegations, wouldn’t dare effect anything. I mean what happened? Did your balls fall off? Why are we all of a sudden so worried about everyone’s feelings? We might as well just cancel everything on the planet b/c we

OMG - stop judging the past on today’s morals. Things change.
Not to mention that Atari was a hotbed of doped up nerds given sudden cash and rockstar status.

Fuck #metoo, and fuck the uber liberals that are ruining EVERYTHING!

Metoo is toxic. It isn’t about awareness, it’s about power and control.

That’s a lot of speculation on your part. Do you enjoy being outraged?

WTF, do something about women in Islamic country’s. Do something about women abused around the freaking world. Here is a question, why didn’t the first woman walk out and swear out a complaint to save the next woman. The #MeToo is a bunch of cowards who didn’t do what they should have done from the start. #MeToo is

I guess I missed the part of the article where women have come forward accusing Bushnell of rape, indecent exposure, promises of promotions for sex, etc. Oh, wait...there is none of that. Only discussions of how a rich, free-wheeling guy in the 1970s had a hot tub in his office and apparently liked sex and looking at

> allegations

Yet another thing #metoo has ruined. The award isn’t supposed to be an award for good behavior. Its for being a pioneer in the video game industry. Without atari its hard to say what our games today would be like if they exist at all.

Good Lord, so he hired strippers at work, and there was random sec everywhere. He lived it up, and made a name for himself.