
Remote takeover of plane when the occasion arises. 

Surely takeoff and landings can be done remotely from the ground, no need to pay a pilot for sitting there while the plane flies itself.

Nobody gave their consent to being conceived either, but here we are.

What he did was awesome, and somebody had to do it. Humans have stopped evolving, this is one way to fix the problem.

he’s full of shit, no chance the graphics are rift quality

This software is clearly inaccurate, it only identified 28 of them as criminals.

people don’t understand dark humor

They should make a version for VR

ok, i didn’t read this thoroughly enough, it’s friday afternoon at work. Who made the awful crude drawing of a much better drawing seen on that mug? Why would anyone even want to take credit for such an awful drawing (tesla sketch pad version)?

quit buying lsd, grow your own shrooms

rectal for you then, have fun

Ever considered that maybe she was messed up with or without marijuana?

need directions to the burn unit?

Stupid use of a drone, too lazy to hold up your own umbrella?

Tesla will always be partly responsible as long they refuse to change the name of autopilot to anything else other than autopilot.

They also installed malware on our computers, fuck you Sony!


Until Tesla changes this feature’s name to anything other than “Autopilot”, they will always be considered partly responsible for the accident.

Love this show!

Old system is old, dumb people need to die. Long live keyless operation.