
Fuck CNN

This, 1000 times. These people need to get their finger out their nose, put the goddam phone down and MOVE!!!!!! Especially when you have one of them 3 second turn signals and 10 people behind you.

You get a solid, one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand count. If you haven’t started moving, or your brake lights haven’t at least flickered off by then, you get the horn.

this fool is the definition of some fucker stumbling into a little bit of money who now thinks he is a god. I hate him almost as much as I hate kayne west

Looks like a drunk Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wearing a Heisenberg hat. Can’t unsee.

That thing is Hid.e.ous. And not in a good way.

I’m happy for Will.I.Am that he has the funds and connections to indulge his hobby as a “car designer”, ‘cos he’d never make a living doing it.

AHUK! This Mazda 3 is unfathomably happy to see its electric brethren modified this way...

You think femnazis understand logic?

There are no girls on the Internet.

To be honest, if they shut down those websites I will stop playing. When I’m at home and see a nice critter popping up a few blocks away, I go and take a walk. Usually I meet a few people that saw the same ‘mon and have a nice talk with them. I don’t really see the charm of walking around aimlessly.

Similarly, I judge those who have “TruckNutz” hanging from their hitches.

Well if 16-year-old boys are known for anything, it’s definitely sound decision-making. Seriously though this kid is probably dumb as a box of rocks.

You'd be driving a butt-ugly Porsche, though. Not worth it.

Why does someone who owns an FF or an Aventador have a roommate?

It bothers you when other people vape in their own car?

Fire ants can go straight to hell too.

nonsense. moths are just dopey butterflies.

worms are not bugs unsubscribe

If that was all he did, why isn’t that on the video? I don’t believe the guy... at all. My guess is that he did something pretty bad to piss of the Fusion dude, and edited that out, beacause it would have made him look bad.