Aunty Meredith's Nephew

This. It's much better as a dark and brooding song.

You've pretty much just described the Australian model. I can front up to my local emergency department and be triaged without facing a horrendous invoice at the end, but elective surgery is something that I pay for, either with cash or by taking out private health cover.

As someone who once dated a Lutheran, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Complete bullshit.

Watching the Drones do Wait Long By The River… in full in a rural Victorian town was my gig of the year for 2015.

Two minor TIE-related quibbles:
1. You can fit two people in a TIE? There's a hitherto unused gunners position?
2. I thought the reason that TIE pilots needed flight suits was that TIEs weren't pressurised like X-Wings are.

Having not seen a 3D movie before, I'm starting to think this might be a good one to break my duck. Same with IMAX.

The Force Awakens was your Worst fear? If that's the worst fear you have, your existence must be very comfortable.

Nah, Golden Plains. Best festival I've ever been to.

Suddenly Luke woke up, safe in his bed in Tattooine. It had all been a terrible dream…

12) THAT scene. I had kinda got the vibe that something like that was coming by about halfway through the movie, and it still hit me like a tonne of bricks. My 11yo didn't see it coming. There were tears.

Not sure how I feel about this. They were the first band I dragged my little brother to see when he was old enough in 2004, and we'll be seeing them again the week after this album comes out.