
This looks and sounds like 1993, which is also the current year in Canada.

The stretched pixels really make it difficult to tell the length of the car. Fox body mustang based on the rear.

God Bless Texas Women.

According to Uber’s own analysis, a 200-mph all electric ride across Los Angeles would be “price competitive” to an UberX ride of the same distance.

Look, it’s just about economic insecurity. And I’m sure there were good people in this group. Many sides, folks. Many sides.

I’m sure that this was all due to economic anxiety.

Well, that looks like nothing more than naming. The fact is, the GOldWing and the C14 are both bikes you use to ride long distances while carrying a friend and or some gear. They are designed for comfort and for spending hours in the saddle on the highway. How are they not both “touring” bikes? That they “don’t

People in general, including older established riders, are not riding anymore because of the head in the clouds, fingers on the phone cagers who make riding a terrifying, near-death experience.

Yeah, let’s blame it on those pesky millenials! Let’s not blame it on a range of motorcycles where the lightest weighs as much as the Death Star, the cheapest is still fucking expensive, the most powerful couldn’t pull the dick off a chocolate mouse, the most sporty has the dynamic prowess of a bag of shot badgers and

and equifax and dow chemical and vw and mcdonalds and a hundred others. the world belongs to them and not to us though, so it isn’t going to happen.

Weapons manufacturers spend a LOT of money at the Capitol and they get what they pay for.

It was a misunderstanding.

One really simple example of the whole shear stabilizing panels concept are the chintzy looking cardboard.fiberboard panels they include in furniture kits (typically for covering the majority of the back panel on a dresser). Without this panel installed the entire structure is weak and unstable, with the panel

Another issue. In a merge a-holes will just keep cutting off self-driving cars because they won’t be programmed to block, but to avoid. So the lane will essentially stop as the autonomous vehicle remains motionless and is cut off repeatedly by the never-ending stream of me-first entitlementbois.

This right there. There is NO FUCKING REASON a Blackhawk should be flying that low in a residential neighborhood. Not when fort Hamilton can be reached from the water.

Really? A plastic drone that weighs nothing caused “serious damage” to a mighty war machine which purpose is to operate and survive under heavy fire ? Made “dents” in the armored fuselage and a bulletproof window? I hit a Phantom head-on with my car on race track, doing around 100mph at the time. Ended up with

Dying @ Shania Law.... that stuck-up bitch, always throwing her weight around & thinking she can come on over here anytime she wants....

I’m conflicted. I agree with the notion of kneeling, because the country is not where it should be, but I don’t want to insult Richard, obvious reasons.

Bring them all over and turn the island into a national park. Not just puerto rico either. How many times can you rebuild?