Aunt Pee

Works like a charm and you don't have to clean a food processor afterwards. You can chop up half a dozen hard-boiled eggs in about 30 seconds. And to make life even easier my husband brings me a bag of peeled hard-boiled eggs whenever he goes to Costco!

As a whiny housebound senior citizen with mobility issues I've actually got TWO essential kitchen tchotchkes! One is a stainless steel pastry cutter that I use to chop hard-boiled eggs because I have diabetic neuropathy in my hands and can't do this any more holding a fork. Plus I also hate shlepping and cleaning a

And that hairline ...

I don't agree with that angle at all. As stupid as she is, Teresa had to know all that money was coming from somewhere suspicious. Neither of them was earning it ... JUST SPENDING IT. Joe and Teresa embarked on an eight-year greed spree while they defrauded banks, mortgage companies, a fertility clinic, the IRS and

Are you kidding? She's as dumb as a box of rocks.

The Giudices were talked into a plea deal because without it, if they'd lost on even one charge during trial, the mandatory minimum prison sentence would be TEN YEARS. They were actually facing about 50 years each. I'm sure their lawyers explained everything, and the judge always asks if the defendants understand the

This face is so terrifying I can even. Holy shit.

I'm still catching up on "Dynasty."

Cheap airfares? Are you serious? Airfare is higher than ever. It's the airlines chasing PROFITS, not the passengers chasing cheap airfare.

Freaking kids need to read a BOOK once in a while.

And nobody cares who wins.

Why is Michael Phelps convinced that he let everybody down? His career is over and I'm pretty sure nobody cares about his DUI except him.

Why would you think I'm a midwesterner?

Sarah Palin can't PRONOUNCE misogynist. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid twit. I'm a pro-choice activist, a woman, a mother and a grandmother. I'll call Kim Kardashian and her dressed-up infant accessory anything I want.

You need to get back on your meds. I'm not misogynistic or a "mommy-hater," pal, because I happen to both female and a mom. I simply hate the Kardashians. And you're outnumbered on this issue, trust me.

Thanks for the laugh of the day. How much do the Kardashians pay you?

Do these people ever consider a vacation with their child that doesn't involve clothes, shopping or posing for photographs? Such as something the BABY might enjoy, like a zoo or a park? Poor North is Kim Kardashian's latest fashion accessory and she hauls her around like a handbag. Look at the expression on Kim's

Yeah. Kim is such an expert at everything. Such a model of good common sense and fashion taste. <snark>

Yeah, you nailed it. Kim Kardashian, the queen of vapid, is definitely the model of good common sense and childrearing knowledge. She's dressed like a pig everywhere she goes and she's raising a toddler dressed like a whore. What could possibly go wrong?

Because it's not an event for children or babies. And the music is goddamn LOUD.