Aunt Pee

I like shlepping. Mostly because it describes the way I walk now (with a cane, as a senior citizen). Damn.

I iz old, too. I iz even on Social Security.

Close personal friends, all of them.

I agree with you. Every year I have clients who send me Christmas gift baskets and I always have to give them away because I'm diabetic. I love the thought, though, and I'm always thankful for anything I receive. I would never dream of rebuking a client for sending me sweets!

This little girl is beyond adorable. And (please don't laugh) I'm old enough to be her GREAT GRANDMOTHER. Holy crap.

I haven't owned an iron for years.

You do realize, of course, that this photo isn't recent, right? It has to be 2003 or earlier. Rob Lowe left the cast in 2003; John Spencer died in 2005. <sigh> That said, I miss this show so much I could scream sometimes.

Maybe he picked up the language shopping at Ikea.

Wow. What a tumultuous life that must be. I can't even.

Just out of curiosity, what in hell ever compelled Manning to join the military in the first place?

I'm holding out for the International Biscuit Convention later this year in Texas. It's a four-day event with concurrent gravy sessions AND complimentary sausages. The badges are awesome.

My husband won't poop at work, either. Me, I poop whenever poop happens. Thank you for reading this.

Why has Brad Pitt turned into a homeless person? He's skanky.

Wait. Is this really true?

Try calling Sarah Palin "retard Barbie" and see what happens. Go ahead. I dare you.

I've felt wonderful for the last 23 years. I never took estrogen or anything else after my surgery with no ill effects whatsoever, and (thank God) I still have an active sex life. I never went through menopause or experienced any symptoms of menopause. Glorioski!

Go for it. Seriously. Doctors will try to talk you out of it while you're still in your "childbearing years" but the decision, ultimately, is yours alone. The day after my surgery the hospital sent a chaplain up to my room to find out if I was depressed or needed counseling, and I said, "Are you kidding? This is the

Don't miss the spicy rice. God, it's my favorite.

Holy crap. My blood sugar just rose 45 points.

My nephew (age 31) is still living at home with my sister and her husband. He has no career and no formal education. He moved to Las Vegas at age 20 to attend a university out there (I don't know which one) for a degree in law enforcement but instead wound up playing poker 24 hours a day (he spent every dime of his