Aunt Pee

Elizabeth Taylor and Shirley Temple did, too. (Yes, I'm old.)

Texas would be the perfect spot for a deep-fried fetus-on-a-stick. Just ask Rick Perry.

I absolutely agree with you ... EXCEPT if the state decides to pursue the death penalty Castro would require a trial, and I'd hate to see his victims suffer through that horrible bullshit and relive it all over again. If they can lock him away forever, that's fine.

I fucking LOVE John Oliver. Everything that comes out of his adorable, rage-filled face leaves me in tears. As much as I love Jon Stewart, this guy is just incredible!

I think the comment from Zimmerman's lawyer about the super-hero rescue was fucking hilarious: "This is quintessential George." Blecch.

Frankly, no. But thanks for asking.

I don't dislike Pippa. Truth be told, however, I never think about her.

With extra pickles I hope.

I thought it was Kim Kardashian's baby.

I hate the taste of wine. I also hate the taste of beer and champagne. To me they all taste alike. <sigh>

Where's Soupy Sales when you need him?

I'm sure this asshole has the full support of Rick Santorum.

From what I can tell, men in Japan are obsessed with 13-year-old girls. Even in Japanese porn women whimper like little girls crying. It's all very, very creepy.

Several years ago I went to game at Dodgers Stadium. They were playing the Diamondbacks (I think). The game was so slow and so boring they decided to broadcast the Lakers playoff game on the Jumbotron. A welcome sight.

Martin's DNA was not found on Zimmerman's gun. He did not reach for the gun and never had it in his hand. They proved that in court.

I'm 63 years old and haven't had a uterus for 24 years, but I'm crying, too. I know it's not hormones because I doubt that I have any left. <sigh>

Thailand has a fixation with Hitler and think he's part of "pop culture" for some reason. I saw these two photos online recently and almost had a stroke. Both of these are images from Thailand.

I hate this stupid bitch and I don't even know who she is. Holy crap. How on earth did the prosecution ever allow the wife of an attorney on the jury?!

I'm a big woman but I need to know ... where the hell did she ever find a wedding dress that size?

I didn't know the Pillsbury Doughboy was allowed to own a firearm.