Aunt Pee

Maybe they assume you're stealing day-old McNuggets for sustenance.

I know. I agree. I'm glad I'm in my 60s and won't have to spend another lifetime on this planet of neanderthals.

Are you delusional? Ever heard of Adolf Hitler? Holy crap.

Holy crap. What a piece of work.

What an asswipe. Oh my God, this man is such a disgusting fucked up neanderthal I can't even breathe right now. I want to vomit. I was an abortion rights activist 45 years ago ... we already fought this battle and WON. What the hell is wrong with these people?!

It's impossible to get onto the NAACP's website. I think it keeps crashing from so many people trying to sign that petition. Instead, sign their adjunct petition at click here. And then send the link to your friends!

This miserable bitch has the brain of Satan.

I don't know anything about quinoa. I'm diabetic and it has way too many carbs for me. If you want a South American superfood, try chia seeds!

Is she precious, or what?! Takes me back 40+ years when I was her age and fighting for abortion rights. If I could still walk, I'd do it all over again and stand by her side.

I know. I agree. I'd love to hang out with them. They're the coolest couple EVER.

BronyCon?! I just peed on myself.

Please be nice to me, but I'm having a hard time understanding some of this. How would a parent know that a six-year-old child should identify with a different gender?

Who gives a shit what this jowly old white dude has to say?

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

Sure. But your guests aren't expected to fund it.

Hey. I love Joe Biden and I think he looks awesome. And I also think a hair transplant makes way more sense than a toupee, which doesn't look natural no matter what the hell you do to it.

Anybody notice besides me that as soon as Paula Deen's empire fell apart the media stopped posting all those insanely Photoshopped pictures of her?

Seriously, I can't believe I just clicked on this article.

You won't be able to convince mom and dad. Trust me. Get a motel room.