This guy is such a goon. What's the attraction? How is it possible that Anthony Weiner is the frontrunner for mayor of New York?!
This guy is such a goon. What's the attraction? How is it possible that Anthony Weiner is the frontrunner for mayor of New York?!
I agree. I'm diabetic and I stay as far away from cornstarch as possible. If you want an amazing zero-carb thickener for sauces and soups, try this one from I'm diabetic and I love this stuff.
I actually buy a low-carb pancake mix that's to die for from It took a long, long time to discover this treasure. Thank you.
Speaking as one of many disgusted Texans, Rick Perry should just drop dead already. He's a religious freak.
Tennessee ... again? They're right up there now with Florida and Texas.
Holy crap, you just made my day. "Off would be a great direction in which to fuck" is maybe the best comment EVER. Thank you. (And P.S.: Rick Perry should drop dead as soon as possible.)
I am! Can I come in a wheelchair?
Pizza. Next time we need pizza.
The Asian driver who's being targeted had to be a male. There's no way any woman with functioning brain cells would continue driving on that freeway for seven whole minutes under that kind of obvious threat. I would have been gone at the next exit. Holy crap.
I'm not fond of Bob Benson. Frankly, he scares the living crap out of me. That incessant grin of his, always weasling his way into situations and relationships. I want to kick him in the nuts half the time. And the storyline with Pete's mother and her creepy live-in caregiver! What the hell?!
I watched Mad Men last night at 2 a.m. after my husband was asleep and the entire storyline was so disturbing and sad that I couldn't fall asleep AT ALL. Don's confession during the Hershey meeting was devastating. Roger remarks, "Is any of that true?" and when Don says yes, he just WALKS OUT, as if to say, seriously,…
Me neither. He looks like an old blanket.
The dude just thinks he too fucking cool for EVERYBODY and believes his portrayal of Tonto (with a dead bird on his head) is respectful to Native Americans. If he wants to be respectful he should have insisted that Disney cast an actual Native American in the role or, better yet, produced a film about a real person…
I seriously can't believe this guy isn't from Texas.
This story makes me sad but for a totally unexpected reason. I'm a handicapped senior citizen now and I can't really walk any more. Ten years ago I was dancing in four-inch heels; now I have a cane and a wheelchair. I'd get depressed, except when I see the price of shoes these days I'm almost grateful the only brand I…
I have no doubt that Zimmerman is guilty as hell, but if he's acquitted his life won't be worth shit. He'll be hounded and harrassed everywhere he goes. Probably serves him right.
That's a photo of Zimmerman when he was first arrested. He's ENORMOUS now. He just spent 15 months in seclusion with his new best friends, Pizza Hut and KFC.
Is it just me, or does Miley Cyrus get more sickening with every passing day? Why is this girl always sticking her tongue out, shaking her ass like a whore, wearing that hideous dental grill, and trying to act ghetto? For God's sake, she was born a millionaire! What the hell is wrong with her?
My husband and I were invited to a wedding last year for his brother's step-daughter, an out-of-town event that we didn't plan to attend. An insert included with the invitation specifically asked for MONEY ONLY and even included a website link that takes CREDIT CARDS. WTF? We were so pissed off that we decided to…