Aunt Pee

I dunno, I think a gourmet gift basket is a GREAT idea for a wedding gift! A couple can only use so many platters and place mats, and not everybody has the finances or motivation to shop your overpriced registry or write checks. Personally, I would have enjoyed something as creative and personal as a home-made gift

This woman is awesome beyond belief. I love her to pieces.

I love that movie!

OMG. That was Harry Hamlin? Seriously? I never recognized him!

This woman is clearly happy about something!

Think there's any chance that Kanye's not the father?

I vote for Khlamydia.

Best vacation destination in the United States: the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. Seriously! My husband and I loved every minute of it. You should go. Everybody should go. And I can recommend a terrific spot for barbecue afterwards.

Fuck you.

Rob Lowe makes me SWOON. This guy is so adorable I'd love to smear him on a bagel.

Here's reality: You'll never quit smoking unless you absolutely, positively WANT TO. I smoked a pack a day for 42 years (starting when I was 14 years old) and actually thought I loved it. I finally quit cold turkey in 2007 when my husband and I bought our dream house and I swore I would never turn it into a nicotine

Doughnuts made me what I am today. DIABETIC.

Does NHS mean National Hooter Society?

They'll sag whether you wear a bra or not. It's just gravity. I'm 62 and mine look like watermelons. [frowny face]

Know the best part of being retired? I DON'T HAVE TO WEAR A FUCKING BRASSIERE except once a week if we go out to brunch. I've been wearing brassieres since age 10 (that's 52 years) and I've never had a comfortable fit in my entire life. Not ONCE. I also hate shoes and underpants. I'm just saying.

Since prostitution is illegal, why would any court justify a "john" killing this poor woman for a refund?

I don't understand what the hell happened to Brad Pitt. Didn't he used to be good-looking at one time? What's with the half-grown goatee and that greasy homeless hair?

The level of hate displayed here is absolutely paralyzing. This is anti-social media at its very worst.

My only ER story happened when I was three. Seriously. I tipped over on my tricycle and slashed my tiny little thigh on a metal fencepost. Dad drove me to the hospital and I got a tetanus shot and six stitches, screaming my fool head off the entire time. When we got home mom was in a panic (OMG, is her baby all