Miranda Prince

Riggins is definitely cute, but Coach is a *man.* (It helps that I was a grown-ass woman by the time I saw the show, I guess!) :-)

Coach, from Friday Night Lights. Always and forever.

I would add the Futurama episode about Fry's dog to this list. I've stopped watching Futurama altogether because that episode wrecked me so hard.

I want that music box. :-)

I think it was "puddle of diarrhea," not "bottle." At least, that makes more sense to me.

The title of the episode is "Nuestro Jomer," not "Nostro."

How I Met Your Mother. The ending retroactively ruined the entire series for me.

A bear that only attacks guys named Paul — a Paul-Bear-er? :-)

I am on Zoloft and I fucking HATE this song. I am surprised they didn't quote the most ridiculous line — the crap about her "bubblegum tongue." That makes me picture him chewing it. GROSS. Seriously, fuck this song.

Jake's mom's name is Margaret, not Martha. (The headline on this review says "Martha.")

I always thought Pestilence was kinda hot. :-)

Must. Buy. Now!

Arrested Development. I tried four or five times to get into this show. I just didn't find it funny — and I generally like everything people who like AD like. I should like it. I just don't.

I don't want to watch the next episode, because I don't want to see Oberyn die. And he has to, right? I mean, it sure seems that they are going to adhere to the books on this one.

I am an Oregonian and I thought the John Oliver thing was hilarious.

I didn't love this, and I'm a huge Miyazaki fan. It was pretty — no doubt about that. The story, though, didn't really do much for me. I agree with the AV Club reviewer that far too much time was spent on the romance, which felt really tacked-on.

I fucking LOVE this show. One of the things I especially love about it is the depiction of a realistic marriage between two people who love each other. Texas forever! Thanks, AV Club!

I'm a little older than Kyle, and my parents did indeed drag me (at the age of 10 and 11) to "Chariots of Fire" and "Gandhi." Those may be great films, but to a 10-year-old, they are the most boring thing imaginable. Like, church-boring. (Worse, actually — church only lasts an hour.)

Next time I go to a bar, I'm *totally* ordering a Temple Grandin. That sounds *delicious.*

How big a town is Charming supposed to be? From what we've seen of it, I don't buy a presumed-dead woman wandering homeless for 12-13 years in a town of that size. It's not like there are hordes of homeless in Charming.