
Holy hell! The “haaappppy biiiirthday” and clapping made me want to vomit. Treating the elderly like they are children is the ultimate disrespect.

Out of all the things he listed that Americans brought us... “creationism” made me laugh the loudest

Same here. I’ve never met one cheater who stopped cheating. And to be honest, the essential lying that goes along with cheating is what ends up being what I always notice. My ex was a cheater, as I sadly discovered, which led to me divorcing him. Now I see that he lies about all sorts of stuff, which was quite the

I disagree. Words have meaning. Commitments mean something. If someone doesn’t want, or isn’t capable of having a monogamous relationship, that’s fine. Open relationships are a thing. But if you’ve committed to a monogamous relationship then your partner has every reason to expect you to adhere to that commitment, and

You didn’t get caught up in anything. You made a choice. Own it. Literally nothing in your post was about ownership of your actions. You don’t have problems with men, you have problems with yourself. Own your actions. Once you are able to do that you are able to change yourself. You are in control of what you do, not

One more - if they don’t have any friends or won’t introduce you to them

I don’t know where you got the motorcycle and boardgame stuff from, but the sentences before your quote read “Inappropriate social behavior: There’s a time and place for certain humor, conversation topics, and other behavior.”. So, Lifehacker is talking about things like not discussing religion or politics as small

Doing things you like and being immature are not the same thing. I don’t know where that came from. I know some really silly people like to associate playing video games and riding a motorcycle with being immature, but that’s not what immaturity is at all nor are any of those things violating social norms.

If a man can’t get a date it’s because women feel there’s something off or creepy about him. Fat guys, short guys, bald guys, old guys, etc. still manage to find women. After all, most women don’t look like supermodels. They can’t get tall, handsome guys because for many women good looking guys are out of their

According to the FBI, of women who were homicide victims in 2010, 37.5% were killed by romantic partners. That doesn’t mean that a woman is likely to be killed by a man, but those numbers are enough to make most women wary of men in the context of relationships.

That doesn’t make me a selfish person so much as someone who simply does not believe she has the prerogative to blow up a marriage of several years

Oh I understand the aggressive part of it. I’m not trying to downplay it’s offensiveness in the least; it’s incredibly abusive. It’s just at a certain point don’t these dudes take a moment to step back and consider “what am I doing?” And “why am I doing this?” I guarantee that guys like this do it 100's of times.

A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.

Yikes. That is the worst. I wonder if people say dumb stuff like that out of fear that there really is somebody out to hurt their child.

A boy in middle school cut the brakes on a girl’s bike. His mother tried to defend this with “he just has a crush on her”. To me it seemed more like he wanted to crush her.

Edit: Can someone please, please take me out of the greys on this one? I swear I am very usually sensible and not trolly.

men are insane. I’m a man and I would hate to be a woman...not b/c of pms, high-heel shoes, or all the stand-up comedy jokes about women. I would hate to be a woman b/c I would have to deal with men and the underlying fear that a stranger will try to rape and/or kill me from some crazy psychosexual frustration. As a

This is what enrages me. The only seemingly acceptable answer to the assholes that do this is a response that is along the lines of “I’m sorry, I’m seeing someone.” It’s like if no other man has staked his claim, pissed on your leg, or somehow indicated that you’re his property, then you MUST be open and accepting of

So, if you aren’t flattered by the attention you’ll be shot.

Here’s what I’ve gathered (and agree with):