
He doesn’t care. All he sees are attractive, athletic women who opted for this job and his response is “pfft, they asked for it (all)“.

“I know absolutely nothing about NFL cheerleading, tbh”


That doesn’t change the fact that the job is worth far more than most of them are getting paid. It is manifestly unfair, and it’s an institutional problem. It does not matter if they took it as a side job even though it’s really full time, it does not matter if they took it in an attempt to further a career as a

Also — friendly reminder to dismiss the MRA trolls, people. Anyone who disagrees with the notion that cheerleaders should be paid A SHIT TON? Sure, we can discuss the finer points of what the job requires vs what it’s worth, remuneration-wise. But all you jackholes who’re saying “LOL DANCIN’ WHORES DESERVE NOTHING”?

Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.

Sheesh man, I’m not a Deadstan, but pardon Diana if she isn’t immediately ready to trust every last resume detail from an Internet commenter named MILF Hunter. I mean, at least tack on Esquire, heh.

What’s changed, I think, is that we as a society have undergone a (long overdue) sea change in how we view crimes against women. We’ve still got a long way to go, but I think (hope) we’ve passed the tipping point, and we no longer dismiss such claims so easily, nor do we so readily give the benefit of the doubt to men

She probably has an alarm set for 3am for her downstairs poop timez

Read the book The Sociopath Next Door. It totally explains that mentality.

I was watching a documentary recently and psychopaths also do not blush - ever.

That day will never come. Narcissistic sociopaths like him go their whole lives without that realization. If he were capable of having a revelatory moment of wrongdoing, he wouldn’t have done the things he did. I have known people like this. There’s something broken in their brains and the collateral damage is HUGE,

America’s chocolate game is WEAK. So weak.

Never been to Walmart but Primark quality is WAY sub-Target. Plus they have very poor exploitation/sweat shop track record. I wouldn’t be caught dead in there.

Yeah, the quality is generally dreadful. You kind of don’t own up to Primark generally, although there is a thing where you take a perverse kind of pride in it when you find something nice from there. It’s basically law that if somebody compliments you on your outfit and its Primark you have to yell ‘OMG I KNOW AND

I had one of these bad boys;

It’s horrifying, but when regular jobs integrated there was probably about the same level of dissaproval. Our grandmothers had to deal with a lot for us to have even the low level passive sexism we deal with today.

“As for the concerns regarding mental toughness and possible romantic entanglements: fuck off, entitled gross dudes.”

As I was reading this article I turned to my coworker, exasperated, and ranted about the exact same thing. How about you guys just choose not to be assholes and cheat on your wives or sexually harass

Disagree. We can celebrate justice because it happens so infrequently. You’re on Jez you know the rape conviction stats. Dirty cop conviction stats are pretty low as well. This guy isn’t anguished because he did horrible things, he is anguished because he got caught and he thought he was going to get off because he’s

My mother had two year old and four year old home at my age (37), and my dad worked the job he had for 25 years +. They both died when I was 17 and I was on my own. Now, at 37 I have a decent office grunt job, no kids (not financially stable enough....spouse is out of work), pay my mortgage on my own each month, and