
Yes...because they don’t drive up rent prices and kick out mom and pop stores. Portland rent is skyrocketing and becoming a slick version of hipster/yuppies. Everything is going up in price: food, entertainment, and f*cking $8 beer. Give me seedy over hipster any day. So sick of walking into a coffee shop & feel like

I would imagine that most people would want to take some leave either maternal or paternal, if nothing other that you don’t have to go to work at first. (Maybe realizing how hard it is makes some of those folks want to go back to work!)

I’m looking at the study right now, and am a little lost as to how they come to that 50% number. Not because I just don’t understand - I’m pretty well trained in this sort of econometric analysis - but because I think they’re making an (almost certainly innocent) mistake.

The house arrest that he is currently under seems reasonable. At least we know he’s securely confined to his home with the mandated ankle monitors.

Dartmoor ponies *aren’t* raised for slaughter. That was a plan *suggested* to make keeping the ponies profitable and ensure their future survival.

Gen X. We get nada.

“Julie No-Last-Name” a truly valued member of the Waffle House family. Yep.

“Practice your attitude” = “Women and black people should remember how to speak when talking to their betters.”

I’ve literally never heard of people spiking friends drinks for “fun” what the fuck kind of assholes do you hang out with?

I’m convinced that this is why some parents are so rabid about hounding child-free folks to reproduce. It honestly never occurred to them that not having kids was an option, and they don’t want someone else to “get away with it”.

The fact that women shame other women for valuing physical attractiveness in the men they date PISSES ME OFF. I’ve had female friends kind of throw me shade for dating guys who are “conventionally attractive.” However, sexual attraction is an important part of relationships and appearance plays a major role in that

Farnam: My wife worked at the Herald. She fucking hated that bitch.

"Unwanted penile attention".