
Right. She was in no fit state to know what was in that syringe really, despite her thinking it was morphine. Lots of different drugs available in ERs make your head wheel around and put you in a stupor.

MoMTfB, you illustrate perfectly the Margaret Atwood quote.

I think what we’re seeing lately is the same old male entitlement from a contemporary perspective. The same awful behaviour today elicits neither respect, subjugation, and complicit silence from the victims nor approval and admiration from other men. Today, it’s called out as the boorish, nasty, manipulative, childish

Two of the seven women ‘apologised to’ and given massive financial settlements recently who were abused by undercover police in the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s, did indeed have children with them. One was Jim Boyling (married, but not after his wife found out what went on) Another was Bob Lambert who had one child with his

A survey run by Ann Summers means that Ann Summers customers responded to the questions. They are people who regularly shop for boa feather-decorated penis pouches, rhinestone-encrusted vibrators, and pink leather riding crops. Of course they look around their gym, see three dozen people sweating, grunting and

I also think that when talking about diversity, people who do not live here need to remember that south Asians are largest minority group in UK. Diversity is not just black and white.

Sadly I think Idris’s over-saturated tv ad work for Sky TV cable service over here in the UK, which requires him to caper around a fake living room and bounce on the sofa while enthusing about what’s on telly, has killed his chances of getting Bond.

There’s zero anatomical reason for it. It’s simply a passive-aggressive display of contempt for others which makes men feel ‘empowered and entitled’ (see the Ted Talk on that), especially when they see how it deprives others of their quiet and comfort.

But sexual assault is not allowed in their cultures either. If one of the same Syrian attackers in Cologne went up to a Syrian woman on the street in Damascus, pushed her on the ground, stuck his hands into her underwear and hissed ‘fucky fucky open your legs I’m going to kill you’, have you any idea what her

It was clear in the one little story a few days ago that there was significant cover-up going on at the police level, government level, and media level.

Women who were actually with their male partners were also attacked. The attackers swarmed them and made sure they separated the women (and teen children!) from the husbands/boyfriends/dads so they could push them on the floor and sexually assault them while the husband/boyfriend/dad could do nothing to get past the

In Finland, it was the same but different.

I agree with your point that they’re not used to it back home. But I disagree completely when you infer that seeing/interacting with western women somehow confuses them and makes them behave like animals.

I too emailed Gawker Media to press them for proper coverage of this. Their silence on the most uncomfortable story for years is alarming. What’s more, their collusion on the conspiratorial tamping-down, covering-up and white-washing of the story is nothing short of unethical.

Women like Beth who possess a lot of character strength need to be sure they use it to enforce personal boundaries that partners, or anyone else they associate with, can never cross without consequences.

You do know that uploading an app — any app — onto your phone means you give the app company the permission to vacuum up all your personal information, habits and whereabouts, yeah? From every part of your phone forever, or until you delete that app from your phone?

Yep, the feces has officially made contact with the blade.

The silence from Gawker Media is deafening. Goes to show how much they value and respect their audience and what’s in the best interests of journalism.

I live there (here) too, in London. In the past 15 years we’ve had a shit-ton of crime perpetrated by a huge influx of newcomers of every colour and race from a number of different parts of the world (refugees, economic migrants, illegal entries/stowaways, illegal over-stayers, temp visa people, new EU joiners,

This needs a lot more than that.