
I think i found your ‘arm’s length’ example.

This sincerely makes me want to weep tears of blood.

Do tell!

In the light of events, Cologne’s Mayor Reker thought this would be a good thing to say to the media today, to try to defend Cologne against understandably queasy visitors deciding to cancel their plans to attend the city’s upcoming carnival days.

It’s probably helpful to include an actual account from one of the victims who spoke to the media. After all, they — not brown men — are the victims.

“I know absolutely nothing about NFL cheerleading, tbh” Also knows absolutely nothing about the labour market.

Nice hand.

Holy christ. Rough. Were they raised in the Russian Army?

I take the crown back. I make dog-poop-shoe-scraping face of bitchy contempt as I lift it off your not-pretty-enough-to-win head. I crush the jaunty top of your arm sheaf bouquet into a down-pointing symbol of sadness. I am last year’s winner.

Danczuk is a revolting freak in personal terms. However it’s worth keeping in mind that for the last several years he has refused to sit down and shut up about the Westminster paedophile network despite the best efforts of ‘the establishment’ to sit him down and shut him up. It’s more than exposing the Cyril Smith

I don’t think they particularly care. To sign up in the face of clear and obvious risk of losing everyone and everything dear to them demonstrates a remarkable level of stupidity and carelessness which they somehow overlook as being part and parcel of their personal awesomeness. Exactly in line with the cheater-y

UK too. The daffodils are in full blossom, 2-3 months early. Blackthorn and cherry are in blossom. The grass is lush and long and hasn’t stopped growing this year.

I have known people like this too. They’re utterly deranged but they remain totally rational. They like the fact they harm other people and leave damage and chaos in their wake. That’s precisely why they do it. And when they do it, they’re not copying or re-enacting anything that was done to them in earlier years —

Celebrity interviews, almost without exception, are about as profound and insightful as an interview of a brand. Because that’s what it is. It’s not like talking to a human being with a thousand different shades and tones of character and personality, it’s more like a report from a journalist who is

That’s ‘beard-wearing bean-to-bar chocolate maker’ to you, sir.

Here’s another Kodak attempt to appropriate I mean improve the personal photographic industry. Anyone in the early ‘80s fall for this one?

Beast’s eyeroll proves he’s seen her try to shoot arrows before and knows she couldn’t swing a lute by the neck and hit the arse of a wild boar sleeping just a yard away. He’s not gettin’ up.

Primark is an embarrassment to the British high street. They don’t seem to have a buying policy other than ‘whatever cheap crap stitched together by ten year olds that’s falling out the back doors of firetrap sweatshops this week’. It is abominable. I’ve only put myself through the unpleasant experience of entering

Psychopaths look like dead people. I suppose they are dead people, in most ways.

This. It kicked the arse off the Big Wheel. And it was the only one on the block.