
The very idea that they even surveyed these guys on their ‘feelings’ on the topic is ridiculous. What was the purpose and value in that, exactly? So that they can express how offended they are to be told that there are women who can do their jobs just as well, or even better, than they can? Well that’s edifying.

Not so long ago! I’m in my 40s. As a grad working in London City headquarters of a few different businesses in the early ‘90s, all the women were required to wear skirts with heels of 1” min height. Presumably because empirical data suggested that our lady-brains got all tangled up when we wore trousers or flat shoes,

I hear you. At risk of sounding like one of the Four Yorkshiremen (preferably Michael Palin), I was sent out to work six days a week as an industrial seamstress a week after I turned 15 and no one was concerned about my ego or my precious feelings, least of all my social status, because I was simply a child and

Wee’d myself during Downton Abbey, soaked right through the sofa cushion. Grandson’s reaction was priceless. Bet he won’t ‘forget’ to buy me my Depends again, next time he goes to Costco. Result.

‘Your delicate and unique brain is still developing so we don’t want it hurted by the big people beer’ is a lot like ‘Santa won’t come til the children have all gone sleepy-byes, so run along now, hop into bed, and leave the adults to have some grown-up time and um wait for Santa’

Basic life functions started meriting awards from the time that potty-training chairs started playing congratulatory marching music whenever they shat into the plastic bowl rather than onto the floor.

We can all recognize that being an adult is hard.

Until your kid is old enough to pick his or her own friends, you’ve got to do the job for them.

Thanks for your figure checking!

But there are no examples where Mr Rejecto brought his wife along for a family day out to the Not-OK Corral.

“FBI agents have discovered nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making improvised explosive devices at a home in California linked to San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook and his wife, law enforcement officials revealed this morning.

Because appeal hearings aren’t do-overs. Appeals are granted solely on the basis that there appeared to be something fundamentally wrong in the operational procedures (ie application of the law), and therefore something was fundamentally wrong with the judgement of the original trial. Nel successfully argued that


They dropped their baby off with a grandmother and told her they were going to a doctor’s appointment.

Reduction in horsemeat demand is also due to fewer and smaller foxhound packs. A traditional way of feeding the packs was to drag in a horse carcass from a neighbouring farm or tended forest — very eco-efficient in its day, but not wanted so much any more for obvious reasons.

Yep. They’re so comfortable that they’re given contraceptive jabs to keep their numbers down but still allow them to enjoy their little pony sex lives. #firstworldponies

Less than nada. Gen-Xers are the grafters permanently trapped between two generations that are both profoundly spoiled and entitled.

It cannot possibly be about ‘safety against ISIS attacks’. ISIS attacks pretty exclusively involve suicide bombers. They tend to blow themselves up suddenly. Like, mid-heartbeat. It’s not like in some kind of new Dirty Harry film where there’s a long scripted prologue by the anguished bomber staggering around,

Not a five year old’s work I’m afraid (aside from the colouring). It was drawn by an adult trying to imitate a child’s drawing style and capability.

He shot her dead and just sat right down to be served his fucking waffle meal because woman, man.