Nurse Feratu

This list is probably endless but I have to add Frank Zappa's Apostrophe/Overnight Sensation. It's two albums in one and they just work together perfectly start to finish. Also Joe's Garage.
Lots of Bowie albums beg to be played as a whole, once I throw on Scary Monsters I have to listen to all of it.


We have no chirrun in our household but we both love Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle. I can't think of a single Miyazaki movie that we don't love. We just can't use the interest by way of kids excuse for getting into his more "kiddy" films.

Wait, Grave of the Fireflies is just from the same studio as Miyazaki, it's not actually a Miyazaki film.

I can't really get into the Ghost in the Shell TV series but I adore the film. My list of other favorites pretty much echoes what's mentioned here but I get into some of the cutesy stuff too. I loved Chobits and Narutaru (no NOT Naruto). Well, Narutaru starts off cute but then progressively becomes darker.
I think

Agreed lexicon but it's fun to reminisce! Loads of music on the hipster douchebag/music snob list made me go "huh?" when I first heard it in my youth. Some I liked but all I knew was it had a funky beat and I could bug out to it. I'm not hip and I get out-douched all the time in musical knowledge discussions.

*Lodger, grrr!

This makes me feel old! I "discovered" the Talking Heads around 1980 when I was 11. Before there was MTV, HBO used to show music videos as time fillers between movies, this is where I heard and saw "Once in a Lifetime" and I loved it! Prior to that, I remember liking "Take Me to the River" but I was around 8 years old

Ah, never mind. It was from an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Bob plays an ex-porn star that proclaims to have used the Tabasco-on-anus trick. To me it's one of the most hilarious scenes from that show.

I see what you mean about Wiig but Bob Odenkirk has the opposite effect on me. When his face shows up it's as funny as using Tabasco on your anus to maintain an erection.

Nobody Noticed
The huge similarity to Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart video? The fencing, the Ninjas, the white doves, BrahBrah singing through a gossamer veil…..

God….DAMMIT! I finally did it! I finally fucked up and posted twice!

That's what I wanted to know when I saw that lobsters-stuffed-with-tacos comment. I was all like, GUH?! Who IS that?!

That's what I was trying to find out! I saw that lobster-stuffed-with-tacos thing and I was all like, GUH?! Who IS that?!

Yeah, I think maybe you are missing something. Not that you don't have a point but where you're concerned it seems he's damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't. To me he is appealing because his personality seems genuine instead of contrived and he actually has principles that he sticks to. I think he's the gold standard

I like hot dogs: sm2JR

Pilgrim you just reminded me of the good ol' days.

Yeah and they pretty much all taste better than the Coke products we can get here. I want some of the fifty-'leven flavors of Fanta they have in Japan to be available here dangit!

I dislike Jon Mayer immensely but I do like discussing euphemisms for big schlongs like, "kickstand" or "beer can" or what-have-you.

I also knew a guy with 12 fingers.