
That’s what we had when I was a kid. Because we were fucking poor. It was that, Froot Loops, and the cheapest possible milk. That was my breakfast of champions growing up.

You’re being too hard on yourself. Disclaimer: I was not a Nader voter no how no way no never. However, that particular time was the very height of the late-90's boom. You didn’t have to be in Texas to be gleefully materialistic. This was right before the P.T. Cruiser came out, which was the first vehicle to buck the

To be fair, I don’t think anyone really wanted to drink OJ from concentrate. It was always gross, just used to be the only/cheapest option.

My mum still buys the cans of frozen oj and mixes them in one of those old-school jugs with the pump-handle for stirring. Not only that, she adds half a package of Tang to it “for flavour!”

Realistically, in a society where a single income is too little to support a family, is there anyone who “can have” kids by your standards?

Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

“That’s not true, they all suck, just in different ways and clearly Al Gore would have sucked in a way that could have saved us at least some trouble you dumb asshole.”

Oh the joy of the little protective upper middle class bubble. I am grew up in the same area, and I didn’t know how sheltered I was at the time. I was raised by liberals, so I thought I was exposed to the real world because I cared about poor people.

I don’t like the way they put it (that Huma is the one putting her son in a dangerous situation) but this is very close to sexual abuse, if it isn’t already.

Had to look up ‘tumescent’. Well done.

Weiner is my explanation whenever someone gets up up my butt about not caring more about this guy or that girl winning this or that election. “The last time I thought ‘maybe this guy is the real deal,’ and was ready to get behind him, all in, it was Anthony Weiner. So, yeah.”

What also pisses me off is that he was on Bill Maher recently, and he was making all these really good points, and I sat there thinking, OK, maybe this guy can come back from that other thing, because clearly he’s a smart guy and really could make an impact in New York politics.

He could’ve been Mayor of New York. Very easily, in fact. But dick pics were more important. And now he’s lost an amazing woman, and his son’s life will be impacted forever. Because dick pics were more important.

Far more likely than him committing voter fraud is him committing tax fraud. Sounds like he claims residency in an unoccupied (or seldom-occupied) home in a state with no state income tax, and I’m guessing those benefits are far, far more important to him than his single vote.

The scariest part about that is that he has two female children. Considering that title, he would rather his daughters have cancer than be feminist. I mean...Jesus Christ....

When is your Bannon/Trump/The Devil slash fiction coming out? Asking for a friend.

That sounds fine in theory, but domestic violence is just as common in queer relationships as it is in straight relationships, same within trans and non-binary couples versus relationships where both members are cis, and “progressive”, “feminist” men physically, verbally, and sexually abuse women as often as

I got my own amnio results this week, they don’t call you up and say “yep, it’s a normal!”