
I think Bellino cares about his kids and wife the same way I care about my pinky toe. It’s mine, so I don’t really want anything bad to happen to it because it would hurt me but if it needed to be removed I would manage to carry on with my life.

Mine’s name was literally Mrs. Cross.

My 4th grade teacher pounded on the projector with her fist and broke the glass. She also told my BFF, in front of the class, to not “act so stupid” when she got some multiplication problems wrong.

I ask sincerely “Do want/need a hug?” That way they can decline without also worrying about “rejecting” me. If someone said “May I give you a hug” I would feel obligated to say yes so that I don’t look unappreciative of their concern or affection or whatever.

In first grade we were taught personal space with hula hoops. My hula hoop never seems quite big enough but it felt good to tell the other children “ummm you are in my hula hoop,”

I remember coming down the stairs that morning and my dad announcing “Diana died.” I lost my shit for about 2 seconds because my mom’s name is Dianna. Thanks, dad.

I woke up, was walking down the stairs when my dad said “Diana died.” Not all that alarming but my mother’s name is Dianna, so. Way to go dad.

I snooped exactly once when I was 16 and learned some things I didn’t need to know about my aunt’s preferences in boutique fancy condoms. Never again...

I draw mine on with a pencil. I have found the key is to sketch with short strokes (imitating the shape and length of the eyebrow hairs) rather than trying to draw a shape and fill it in. If it looks a little harsh, try smudging just a little with your finger.

I would honestly take one for the team and be willing to watch it if it meant this could all be over sooner than November.

I would imagine she thinks that wealth (or the perception of wealth) is a good enough insulator for her darlings. I’ve also met a remarkable amount of stupid people who buy into the belief that they really are “one of the good ones” and thus an exception.

She was pregnant during the first scandal. I can imagine it was a pretty difficult place to be during the first go around. Maybe she thought she could forgive it once and didn’t realize it would just keep happening.

She was pregnant during the first scandal. If she has been feeling trapped it has been since the first go around.

I find that “I’m not doing this again, because you’ll only end up with hurt feelings” is enough to stop them dead in their tracks. If it isn’t and they get shittier you just say “This is obviously upsetting you so we need to stop.” It is a kind of rude and dismissive thing to do but better than everybody getting an

Have no shame in the chimichanga love, its a popular Tex-Mex dish and in some places in Mexico. When done well, they are delicious and it’s kind of hard to mess up just deep frying a meat and cheese burrito.

Or, hear me out, she murders him on November 7th, takes all the money, moves back to Slovenia, and leaves the OG Trump kids penniless. That’s my dream scenario. In all liklihood, I really think she will stick around until he dies if it’s up to her. She is just waiting out the clock.

Her 10 year old can supposedly speak Slovenian. It might be the only way he can fully communicate with his mother.

When pressed for an exit interview at one job I described the mass exodus of fellow coworkers as “rats on a sinking ship.” It feels good to quit a shitty job with shitty bosses etc. But I don’t really understand why she is ragging on People Magazine for being celebrity obsessed and shallow. It’s People Magazine...its

My bff used Smart Recovery instead of AA for this specific reason. She is 3+ years sober and very happy.