
Perfect meme is perfect. ✨ ⭐️ ✨ 

Mariah, are you ok? Is 2019 not going so great for you so far? 

This isn’t mine, technically, but I once baked a batch of food for my dog. It involved a mix that included bone dust and minerals, mixed with meat and vegetables and baked in the oven.

Wrong opinion is wrong.

“Show me your gold box special, gurl”

Oh god, my twenties - when I had a non stop running mental self critique of my, in hindsight, perfectly lovely body, which was exacerbated by the approval or disapproval of assholes just like this.

Knowing all of this, my shock at seeing a decrepit Johnny Depp half heartedly smouldering in a men’s cologne ad on TV this Christmas season left me nauseous.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember reading someplace that fabric softeners are awful for MOST fabrics. Towels, for example.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember reading someplace that fabric softeners are awful for MOST fabrics. Towels,

That was an epic, beautiful burn.

Oh jeez, that was me with a squirrel that got inside mine! I didn’t find it until I’d arrived at - of all places! - the dog park, where a pack of freaking out canines surrounded my car. We got them away from it, lifted the hood, and eventually the little guy ran out and into a tree. 

I don’t get it. Do none of these people ever shop at, or eat at, or visit, or LIVE IN, places with mixed gender use bathrooms?

Needed: your best - slash - favorite rumball recipe, please. 

A shocking lack of irate vegans freaking out over this post.

Well, here’s some bad news from the “I’ve been going white since 25” front - temp colours don’t stick to naturally white hair. At best, you get an irregular pattern of pale streaks that disappear in days. At worst, you get nada.

I’m so emotionally invested in this imaginary relationship now. 

Yes, because no one should ever work through their grief by discussing it in the way that feels right for THEM. They should only ever do it in the way that you, arbiter of all things grief and grieving related, feel appropriate.

the type of serious things that can happen with any family

Meanwhile in Canada, maybe a time when defense attornies DON’T try to victim blame/slut shame underage victims of violent gang rape is “coming soon”, but I’m not holding my breath.

Naomi... the thirst is real.

This is gross they’re gross everything is gross