
I could have overlooked the white privilege comment in that I’m not easily triggered by stupidity that has no bearing on me, (get the job done, just another asshole, type thang) However it became, abundantly, clear ‘Chad’ had intended to harass the driver with no repercussions based on the words that immediately flew

I will watch the Emmy’s for the historic wins, and of course the beautiful acknowledgement of these two beautiful ladies.

I can, actually, muster a little forgiveness for him. Of all of 45's staff, Spicer seemed the most out of place and less comfortable in his role lying for 45. I think he’s probably relieved, and trying to become human again. We’ll see.

“they just sound like happiness” But not to Mckenzie It remind her of watching all the other kids eating ice cream, and her mama never, ever, giving her money for a cone. It turned her into a miserable psychotic shrew.

I feel you! That was a non-story if I ever read one.

Didn’t he a ridiculous 33 years? He’ll get out when they take him out on a slab.

I think he has to be alive for a criminal suit.

I feel you—that was traumatizing. And the assholes over at the Minneapolis papers are basically already saying “Well, see, he deserved to get shot.” —Like Trayon, Tamir, and Oscar Grant? Those were, CLEARLY, murder.

Oh God! I wish I had not watched this. And white folx are losing their damn minds because of Bill Cosby’s mistrial..not an acquital!? The bs is perfectly clear!

When I learned that she was interviewing both Putin and Alex Jones back-back, it was clear to me that she was trying to make a splash career-wise, as well as, by exposing two individuals that have been heavily associated with 45.

For people of color, ‘a jury of your peers’ is a joke. For and against, we are at a disadvantage.

There were 2 Blacks on BC jury, and I’m sure we will hear someday soon that they were the hold-outs. It would have been nice if when George Zimmerman was tried for murdering Trayvon Martin, if the one black juror had held out and forced a mistrial instead of caving and allowing an acquital.

I don’t get his point. Coming from him I’m sure it wasn’t meant to be complimentary.  

I, literally, cried when Judge Hatchett, the family’s attorney, interviewed on AM Joy this morning and told how Yanez fired 5 shots into this young man’s chest in front of his toddler. If he’s that shaky with fear he should not be a police officer.


You had me with sugar in grits.

There’s nothing about Spicy that says press secretary is a good match for him. I’m surprised that he’s been doing for as long as he has and is so bad at it. His speech, his face and his body language indicates he is in pain...kinda stooge like.

I’m surprised (and grateful) that the state sought to convict, and was successful.

I agree. Why suppress technology because bad people abuse it. That would be like burning the White House because 45 has soiled it.

He’s a “security monitor”.