
Did not realize this Home Alone reboot is also the prequel for Interstellar.

He got served.

When speaking about Michael Brown, a teenager, Huckabee called him ‘a thug’ and said he could have avoided his fate if Brown would have behaved himself. So apparently it’s ok to shoot black teenagers, but white teenage abusers deserve our respect and some privacy. Are people even listening to themselves anymore?

Mine’s ‘hold this beer real quick’.

“She believes in ‘exercise, laughing, having sex, being yourself.’”

Tiny error in the Bender story that no one will really care about: the town nearest the Benders is Cherryvale, not Cherryville. I only know because I grew up in Southeast Kansas before somehow escaping.

It’s the late-aughts and I am living in the Hollywood Hills. It’s a Saturday night and my friend is super sick. She’s asked me come over and take care of her but first pick up some cat food and juice. No problem, I say, I’ll just hit the liquor/convenience store across the street from my place. Do I need to change out

You are hilariously salty. Like, relax. It’ll be alright.

You must not come here often.

You know, I’d give the college girls a break. Do you know which part of the country they were from or how much Asian food they have been exposed to? They may not have known what to order, but at least they were, apparently, stepping out of their comfort zone to some extent. This is why I hate trying new foods without

I prefer all letters be typed in 13 year old AIM away message style.

This comment took an unexpected but welcome turn.

So there was this guy who would always sexually harass me on my way home from work. I’d get off the train and walk by this auto repair shop. This motherfucker didn’t even work at the shop — the shop owner described him as a “parasite” who loitered outside of the shop trying to buy up junkers and always hollering at

Maybe those Malibu women you’re loving to hate so much are just like the rest of us: constantly barraged with a message of how we’re supposed to look, act, and perform, lest we upset the herd.

Firstly, who do you think you are to determine who is and isn’t a “real” feminist? Especially a fellow woman? Get over yourself. You should change your user name to No True Scotsman. This isn’t a declaration you get to make.

So, do you totally fail to see the irony of feminists denying a woman her own agency?

So you punished a woman for something her man did. That is some really great feminist shit you are doing with your group.

I don’t think that it is constructive to insist that all feminists only ever have friendships with other feminists.

Similar story. Different man. Recent break up and the only reason he didn't trash the apt is I broke up with him in public and literally ran to my car, leaving him stranded in another city at least 30 mins away from our apt. Police were called and as my name alone was on the lease, he had to go. I had enough time to