
John Oliver is doing a damn good job over on HBO. I mean, that show is SO good!

Most of the articles on schools are also about rape. Maybe rape is the problem, and paying attention to it is a goddamned necessary step in regards to actually doing something about it. Regardless of where it occurs.

Idk, it wasn't exactly in your face, but the whole minor key change in the beginning and middle was a pretty huge shift in the song just kind of seemed foreboding and left an underlying feeling of conflict to the song's original message for me.

Just because every article on DV should include this:

Hey, guys! Check out the super special atheist snowflake! They're so edgy and "real" what with their disregard for the feelings of others . Good thing they don't have some imaginary sky god telling them not to be an asshole! Now they get to be an asshole ALL THE TIME! They're not just trying to make their Catholic mom

Because cops can totally empathize with wanting to beat the shit out of someone for being non compliant.

Now playing

The only thing he has ever been in that matters. (besides breaker high, OH GOD I LOVED BREAKER HIGH)

The Winston/Ferguson relationship was the best. Needs moar Ferguson.

It could actually be a He-Man themed fleshlight... or an amalgamation of both... Stunning Westeros technology...

That's an elaborate He-Man themed dildo!

Considering the only meaningful relationships in my life are books, about as long as it takes to drain the battery on my Kindle.

I know people are having a fun time here shitting on him, but hey! This is a start! Hopefully he'll follow through with pushing for legislation that actually helps women instead of hurting them!

Maybe be glad about the fact that he changed his mind on a very difficult issue and did so publicly while explaining to his constituents his reasons for doing so?

Someone posted this over on io9 earlier. YES, PLEASE.

This movie looks like a big risk, an original idea when everybody is doing adaptations. I really want this to be a hit.

the same people who think this dude was "too drunk" to commit rape think that drunk women deserve to get raped. I'm so glad that he was convicted.

Under-10 me wanted to be a farmer. 10-14 me wanted to be a detective. I spent most of high school & college wanting to be a writer.

I'm thinking the residual checks explain the illogical defense.