Augustus Fink-Nottle




Like Middle Earth? Probably the Dol Amroth Swan Knights or something.

I'm not sure how confident I am in the inventors of the Disney Vault to make their whole collection available.

Oh and since today is a crappy news day, Disney has announced they're going to make their own streaming service starting in 2019 and will pull their movies from Netflix.

I'm going to explode,
(You mean you going to explode?) I'm going to explode
I'm going to explode
like atomic bomb
atomic bomb

RIP Glen Campbell

Good news! I found the Ctrl key that I lost a year or so ago when I was flicking crap out of my keyboard with a gift card and inadvertently launched it into orbit.

Comment is now deleted. Anyway the thing we don't want to happen will happen soon.

There is something of interest to us all here, but we shouldn't talk about it here.

I didn't know about the new Songhoy Blues. I'll have to check it and some of the others out.

Yeah and I think beating a team like Chelsea is a big boost heading into the season. I wasn't able to watch it, but I'm happy for the win.

I started watching Gilmore Girls around Thursday or so and watched 2 or 3 more episodes over the course of the weekend. I like it well enough so far, but some of the side characters are a little one-note at the moment.

Got enough albums there, mate?