Augustus Fink-Nottle

That's really all I know about St. Elsewhere. I think maybe Mr. Feeney and Denzel Washington were in it, but I'm not sure of that.

Sure. And actually in October this time.

So much hype nowadays. I'm afraid people are losing the spirit of the death of Stalin. It's a lot the same as when they start doing Christmas stuff in October.

Someone watch The Incredible Jessica James for me and report back. I like Jessica Williams, Lakeith Stanfield, and Chris O'Dowd, but have a feeling it's probably just basic indie romcom pap.

Lots of people were looking forward to the death of Stalin.

I need to rewatch The Searchers because I wasn't sure how I felt about it either.

And a movie maybe about the Doctors' Plot and such. I think I may have known about it already, but forgot.

I wish more rpgs (not all of them mind, just more of them) let you build your own party a la ID. It's at about the opposite pole of rpg design from Planescape in terms of story vs. combat, but it was fun to have both out there. ID could play almost like fantasy X-COM with your little squad of guys fighting off the

Note: The Mooch died on his way back to his home planet.

Read some Hoffmann, Jacob Burckhardt, and Kierkegaard. Also, continuing a 19th c. theme I guess, watched two episodes of Sir Arthur and George (think that's the name) about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle investigating the case of George Edalji, a solicitor of Indian descent living in (I think) Staffordshire who was accused of

"There was a fish in the percolator!"

And his point is well taken, MTV is selling teens short and then claiming they're listening to them.

That Area 51 piece and the one about Yuri Norstein are both great.

I'm not sure either. Honestly, I don't spend much time on the rest of the site anymore. It's mostly Trump articles and stuff recycled from other sites anymore.

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