Augustus Fink-Nottle

She seemed pretty good. She didn't do anything too crazy, but she's playing someone who's only wrestled for a few months, so that's to be expected.

I think so. I'm not really sure how we'd go about it or anything, but yeah probably so. I've been meaning to get in touch with all of y'all somehow outside of disqus, in case this place falls apart.

I did a lot of sniping and used Billy's melee a bit (he eventually can use it to heal). After you beat it, you can start a game+ mode with all the characters unlocked from the start. I've been letting it sit a few months before playing again.

The only thing that can stop a ridiculous monkey with a machine gun is a serious monkey with a machine gun.
#2ndAmendment #Freedom #ArmOurApes #ObamaSux

Latest sign of the Kinjacalypse, links to more articles from the AV Club at the bottom of an article:

You need to have at least gotten to screen 3-2 of the X-Men arcade game. You need not have played as Wolverine himself – Storm, Nightcrawler, even Colossus would also work – but someone playing with you should have, preferably a sibling and not some rando hanging out in the mall arcade.

I don't want to spoil anything so don't read this for awhile, but as Alison embraces being a heel in the ring, Ruth actually becomes less of a heel outside it - less selfish, helping other people and thinking of them first, etc.

LaToya Ferguson said something like it was like the show Marc Maron's character might make if he had his way and I think that might be right.

Lucha, lucha, lucha!

I had a question about whether or not you are allowed to drive over a firehose. I had not studied for that.

GLOW. It was great.

Endless Things by John Crowley. The last book of what he calls the Ægypt cycle, the imagined Egypt of the Renaissance (Hermes Trismegistus and all that), Rosicrucians and Masons, John Dee, Giordano Bruno, the golem, Faust, werewolves, etc. all feature pretty heavily. I'd recommend it, but it is a bit strange.

I'm reading a book that has Giordano Bruno as a major character and another character, a dead novelist, named Fellowes Kraft. And Albert Pike wrote The Fellow-Craft. And I don't really know what you're talking about, but maybe I'm living inside Twin Peaks.

It hasn't registered any for me in the last two hours.

Speaking of, are you caught up on TAZ? I'm pretty excited for the end; it seems to keep getting better.

I'm not sure it will matter, but that was encouraging. It feels like AVC is a pretty small corner of Univision holdings, if they're putting in Kinja across the board it seems unlikely they'd make an exception for it.

I'm at least theoretically interested, but don't know how to go about getting started.

Teti did an AMA and said that he found out via the same news sources we did and didn't actually know when changes were coming.