Augustus Fink-Nottle

I haven't read it either, to be fair.

Well, The Hobbit does have some mythology and world-building, but Tolkien had elaborated on it quite a bit by the time he wrote LotR and the scope also allows him to dig into it a bit more.

When does Smith of Wooton Major come in?

The Hobbit is more of a low-key adventure, LotR is more epic with a few big battles, etc. LotR starts a bit slower and has more mythology, though those early parts are some of my favorites, I could see them being a turn off. The Hobbit feels a bit more pitched at children than LotR (but both can be enjoyed by adults

If the question is "didn't he read…?" the answer is no.

That sweet Laurel Canyon sound has sped more people through Purgatory than indulgences ever could.

Psst, Barsanti. That "town called Wittenberg" is where Martin Luther nailed up his 95 Theses.

And the prospect of Barry Zuckerkorn leveraging his decade-plus of data collection for his own political gain is a bit troublesome, too.

Quick boner update: young Gal Costa was really attractive.

Slow news dafefe

It's like a sheela na gig (which I just read about for the first time a few weeks ago).

I'm not entirely sure how the money situation at Monaco works. I think they were previously subsidized by the crown, but were recently bought by a Russian plutocrat. I know that Stade Louis II is pretty small and I'm not sure they even fill that.

Damn fine cup of covfefe

Did you hear about Mendy going to Man City? The Monaco exodus continues.

Maybe the sequel will have the orc version of this.

You've got to press on a bit through some story stuff (which I didn't think all that great) to get to where that game really shines: as a fantasy professional wrestling feud simulator.

Maybe a subscription to the Trump Big League Box will cheer him up.

This is important.