Augustus Fink-Nottle

Trudeau or Bieber?

It would only have been better if Costa hadn't scored and had also been the one red carded (he should've gotten a yellow, I think).

But does she wield her rolling pin with slo-mo vaginal power?

I just finished The Crystal Kingdom. One thing I really like is Griffin tries to make the villains sympathetic or, at least, make their fall understandable.

How are they going to retcon The Boxer and Homeward Bound?

I'm not caught up on it or Monster Factory, yet.

Him allayin' criticism by killing political enemies.

It's on Netflix at the moment. I've been thinking of checking it out too.

This was a Sir Edmund Hillary joke. You know, like the kids like.


I have Sherpa porters to read the most arduous comments for me.

I know it probably shouldn't be surprising, but it's cool to see one of the characters in Black Orpheus (set at Carnival in Rio) dresses a lot like members of the Skull & Bones Gang in New Orleans do.

You know how to wait, don't you capawesome?

Would you let someone golf at your country club if they didn't pay their greens fees? No!

I appreciate the information. Now, off to write a Penny Warvey McGill/Princess Carolyn slashfic.

Rising Storm, a WWII Pacific FPS, is free for the next day or so over at the Humble store (link). I don't know too much about it, but I think it was pretty well regarded.

Maybe Amy Sedaris and Holly Hunter merged (melded? whatever it is they do in that show).