Augustus Fink-Nottle

I fell into a Football Manager-shaped well and spent most of the weekend trying to climb out.

Don't fall into a time-hole at the bottom of a reservoir!

That gum you like came back in style?

Then why don't you marry her?*

I've only seen Richard Simmons and Birdman (aka Baby) in airports. And neither look particularly like me. Weird!

I originally used underscores in my name, maybe because it was required by disqus at the time or because the name was already taken. I don't remember.

It appears to be someone who is impersonating TODD!!! by using the same avatar he used (on a pre-Disqus AVC account maybe?). I checked the Lloyd Braun following master-list, to confirm:…

And if that fails, I'll cheer for gravity at their parade.

Whenever Real Madrid wins something, I cheer myself up with this:

One of the cheapest conceits in all Hannibal Buress encounters!

How has he been doing over there? I'm not really sure what position he'd play for Arsenal at the moment. He's behind a lot of people in the center and a bit slow to play as a wingback.

Yeah I was really happy for him.

Yeah, I got that. I probably should've looked up the alt code for it, but I was tired.

"Ayudame just got here, she doesn't know how to distract the reverend by asking him to rank Kid Rock songs."

I like A Canticle for Leibowitz which covers thousands of years of history (in three different eras/sections) after a nuclear war. Since the action happens years after instead of in the immediate aftermath, it's a bit more about the environment than it might otherwise be.

I've seen the documentary; it was alright. Making a movie about it is dumb.

I've never read his autobiography, but hearing about him analyzing and criticizing the tactics of Völler made me think he might go into management after retirement. He's always struck me as a very intelligent player.