Augustus Fink-Nottle

I remember him boasting about outdriving Giuliani during the campaign, when he was trying to prove he was qualified to be President.

Trump, presumably because someone said he wasn't very active, tweeted that "as a very active President" it wasn't possible for his press people to speak with 100% accuracy.

As a very active commenter, Ege cannot predict the attacker aspect of cyber with 100% accuracy!

*stands up, taps fork on crystal wine glass, clears throat*
"Today, we're all mothers. It is a day pregnant with meaning for us all."
*single tear wells in eye at his own eloquence*
"Today is our day. And TODD!!! is our midwife. And our baby that we mothered is our friendships. And hiatuses were… gestation. And

He's also had Judah Friedlander as a guitarist and Alfie Allen on drums.

The diner scene in Mulholland Drive made me uneasy to near the point of nausea. I tend to avoid things like hamburger ladies and Andalusian dogs, so not too many things really.

Classic Poe.

The earliest I can remember was a massacre at an inn in the game Betrayal at Krondor. I found a screenshot of it a few years ago on the internet, really wasn't that bad.

But Modern Family will be on until the heat death of the universe.

Thanks, Mr. Owl!

One begins to doubt the competence of this administration.

You should love more things.

Happy birthday Dennis Bergkamp.

Comey's like 6'8" or so. He'd probably be one of those wrestlers that's good for looking intimidating, but you kind of have to wrestle around them.

Leaking it to the press before telling him and finding a way to make his firing mostly about Trump not being investigated, tends to do that.

I wish JR was around to narrate the most unexceptional parts of my day.