Augustus Fink-Nottle

Won't you let me walk you home from school?


Breaking (albeit slightly tape-delayed) News: Cut-rate Bond villain and specialist in tedium José Mourinho has been defeated.

You're close, but the answer is 12.

Yesterday it was "Down By the River" for whatever reason, I probably haven't listened to Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere in months.

No Bill Hader means this list is invalid.

♫That's me in the corner.
That's me in the spotlight…

By Grabthar's Hammer, I don't know!

A lot of people do. I haven't watched enough Star Trek to say.

Oooh, there's an idea! Gargoyles rewatch.

Are you counting Galaxy Quest as a Star Trek movie?

Ser Pounce: The Animated Series

That's a lot of tits and dragons! I hope supply can keep pace with demand.

They became anarchists living in Paterson, New Jersey.

I'm thinking about going off the coast of Scotland to watch this. May see May the Firth on the fourth in the Firth of Forth.