Augustus Fink-Nottle

*is knocked over by Christian Benteke, referee looks on placidly*

What a warvellous new word!

I think that might be my favorite Buffy episode.

I picked up 80 Days in a sale so I could play it on PC. It's the loveliest game. As our airship sank into the Indian Ocean (a botched mutiny by sky-sailors afraid of losing their livelihoods) I, Passepartout, told my master I didn't blame him for our deaths and he asked that I call him Phileas. It was a nice moment.

Yeah I think the decision to go pretty low stakes with it is probably the best set up for what happens at the end. It would have been a weird coda to a serious episode, but I think the subversion of your expectations of Dracula ends up making the end a sort of punchline to the whole episode.

It takes a peculiar talent for tackiness to pick a name that's not only shameless in its corporate boosterism, but also recalls an old euphemism for PTSD.

I have not. I didn't even realize they had changed their name from the ShellShockers or that they still existed.

Is that an It's Always Sunny… thing? Someday I may watch more than the 4 or 5 episodes I've seen.


Hey they have… Wijnaldum the Less; hard-working, unspectacular Alejandro Bedoya; and, um, the ghost of Oguchi Onyewu.

I'd guess Brooklyn 99


Doing pretty well; enjoying what's probably our last cool weather until Fall.

Found Reachin'(A New Refutation of Time and Space) by Digable Planets, Time Out by the Dave Brubeck Quartet, and a boxset of Chaplin shorts for pretty cheap at a used bookstore.

Have you considered downloading more RAM?

Turns out Brân is Welsh for "raven", so that explains that. Thanks footnote in the Mabinogion!

Well then, why don't you? Just imagine the heartiness if we combined our recommendations!

To have guts, you have to avoid venomous vapors and razor-sharp stones, hitting actuators and racing your opponents to the frigid top of Mt. Aggrocrag to be the first to grab a piece of the radical rock.

Just don't go in expecting to see Mick Foley chokeslammed through a cage or anything.