Augustus Fink-Nottle

I also listened to The Beatles, Caetano Veloso, and Tinariwen this weekend, among other things. I may also have listened to Gal again, I don't remember for sure.

Thanks for the spoiler-free review.

Her other book – of essays, which I did not enjoy – is called The Possessed, also a Dostoevsky title (although new translations render his book Demons). It seems to be a thing with her.

TV: Buffy/Angel. Not sure how much I will like either of these seasons (7/4). While I understand what they're going for with both the slayerettes (I'd rather just the core gang) and a relationship that maybe was called Corndellior (so edible!), I don't know that either one is really a good decision. I also watched

CM was fine there were just others I liked better. I also remember being impressed by Mount Gay, a Barbadoan rum.

I always preferred something like Appleton's to Capt. Morgan (they're pretty similar in price, I believe). I'd either drink it neat or I'd sometimes make a milk punch or a drink I think we named after Amy Adams that was like a hot buttered rum without the butter (or the orange zest that guy adds).

But the trailer heavily featured Max Crook's musitron! It can't be bad.

And moving to Angel allowed Wesley to go more down that Ripperesque path and become a better, more interesting character than he was on Buffy.

And since, I assume, the "powder" in question also refers to drugs the local gang sells, 80s Neeson could say things like, "There's new coke in town. I don't like it."

Anya is clearly Rocky IV Rocky out for vengeance after the death of Apollo. Ivan Drago is an ogre and/or Xander (maybe weddings are Apollo Creed?). And bunnies are communists or something.

Well, fix it!

I'm not sure they made seven great seasons. Certainly between the two shows they did. I think they made seven at least good seasons, with 4 or 5 being great.

If commenting on newswires is wrong, I don't want to be right.

No, the movie Habba.

I'm really not sure why he didn't get more work after the series.

If you don't know, you're streets behind.

Well with everything else cut down, newswires became a place where a lot of people spent their time, I think. They do get the most trolls, but this is probably bad for a lot of the AVC community.