Augustus Fink-Nottle

Sll03 has popped up a few times since I've been here. I never knew AnniesBoobs.

'Member glazomaniac, Spongeyandbruised, MyNameIsAlex, Chris Traeger, Capt. Blicero, Melted Kojak, NBC (not the network), ParkSunset, FSC, others I've neglected to mention?

I liked Stellaris because it's the best game of 2017 or 2018 - the foundation of a very good game is there, but it hasn't quite filled out yet. I recently got back into it playing a Star Wars mod and realized that the lack of specificity in the vanilla game is probably what hurts it most. It's a big sci-fi toybox,

You're a loose cannon Felino, but you get results.

How will they interact with the fluoride the CIA uses to control my mind?

Coming this summer… The Repressed Emotions Cinematic Universe.

All monsters are sexy, that's what makes them monsters.

Who did they get for Frau Blucher?

It's getting pretty good. I think vanilla lacks specificity that the Star Wars (and presumably Trek) mod adds. It feels particularly important in a game like Stellaris where, like in CK2, the most fun is probably to be had in setting your own goals instead of min/maxing your way to conquest and map painting.

One of the selling points on that Stellaris mod I've been playing is "purgeable Gungans". If you're a bad enough of guy you can kill (purge) any troublesome aliens on your planets (not just Gungans). So it isn't really a special feature, I guess they just thought people would take a lot of pleasure in the ability to

I dug up some Bulgar gold with Orm on Thursday or Friday and watched him settle into quiet retirement. Thus ended The Long Ships. I started The Hobbit shortly thereafter.

The Fourteen just left the Last Homely House in my The Hobbit rereading.

That's never stopped you from commenting before. Ooooh! Ya got got.

I might try to put another one together for one of the free days if nobody else comes forward.

Early-ish in 5/2. Riley, thankfully, has left and Angel just fired everybody.

Star Trek too, but I haven't tried it yet.

I really hope the "dark archer killing simply to send Oliver a massage" isn't a typo.