Augustus Fink-Nottle

But now she is free to be in my The Rocketeer remake! I'm not sure who will play Billy Campbell since Brendan Fraser is too old, but Timothy Dalton will be played by Eva Green.

Peter and the Wolf

Advent calendar entry incoming. Again, Peter and the Wolf, the short in question is here. It's a lovely little film with stop-motion models, pretty - if a bit dull - music, and is often playfully funny. My write up is all insomnia and anxiety. Caveat lector.

TV show idea: various alt-political groups engage in internet flame wars in Alt and Catch Fire.

Pigs in Space! It was ok, maybe even good.

And is it too late to name Sean Bean the King's Hand VP?

He doesn't hunt boar by any chance does he? Because he is an incompetent serial philanderer.

Jane Austen, Jim Henson, Levon Helm

Missing "No Dames"

I watched three episodes of Hip Hop Evolution on Netflix. It was ok and stands or falls on how interesting the interviewees are. Pretty standard documentary fare.

Never count out Hungry Hungry Harbaugh!

Have you thought about hydrology?

I imagine Trump and Putin's first official meeting will look something like this.

-Officer involved shooting

PSA: 2Hollow 2Crown with the Frumious Cumberbatch comes on tonight.

It'd have to be a shoot since Trump can't sell anything. I'd be ok with that.

Not that I remember. I think someone did Emmet Otter and Christmas Carol. If nobody remembers there's really no reason not to do it, even if it has already been covered,

That's what I get for trying to go it alone.