Augustus Fink-Nottle

Maeby I need to check that out.

Because it's a lot easier to make everything clean and call it a techno-utopia when everything is CGI (probably).


I don't know. I guess because he can be somewhat elusive and threatening. He likes to use hunting metaphors too: "the Dark Invader stalking through the long grass," etc. Maybe the darkness has to do with his dickishness.

I liked him too.

I'll take off the eyepatch when I decide to put on the Santa hat (and maybe a bushy white beard).

I don't know if they qualify as "-balls" which seem to be unintentional malapropisms. He seems more just to reach for strange metaphors in his enthusiasm. First he lets out a sort of awed grunt and then he tries to describe what he thinks is an ineffably magnificent passage of play.

Yes. He said something about Neymar having "more twists than a drunken snake" too.

"Both teams are working harder than a one-eyed cat covering three mouse holes."

I've never seen me and any of you in the same room together! How many alters do I have?! How long have I been talking to myself?!

But what am I supposed to listen to for the other 4 hours?

So good tea isn't your weakness?

Are you accusing her of infidelity?

Can you taze me higher?

They oughta know. They-ey-ey oughta know.

It might not be that. You could be vastly over-estimating your life expectancy in a post-Trump election world. Midlife crises could become a thing only kids experience.

I've listened to a good bit of music that's new to me, but not too much that was released this year.

Sure. I'll learn to play the keyboard.