Augustus Fink-Nottle

That's a good question. And do the Saints and Pelicans fight over fish during Lent?

The local semi-pro baseball team has changed their name to the New Orleans Babycakes.

I'm all scratched up from clearing brush and briars. Also, my country elected a fascist. But other than that, pretty good.

No! Not the Citroën! Why Spike, why?

Start digging an underground bunker.

Yes, in all likelihood.

I think I heard everyone on Frasier hated him.

Watched Buffy/Angel. "Hush" was great. I looked up Glenn Quinn on wikipedia right before the episode where Doyle dies, so that was probably more affecting than it otherwise would be.

PSA: with Firefox, at least, you can choose your font and prevent websites from choosing their own under Options > Content > Advanced

Probably not, unfortunately. Though maybe if there's enough negative feedback they'll get rid of Roboto.

That's a really ugly font, AVC.

How was your pop culture weekend?

I liked Stranger to Stranger well enough when I listened to the NPR stream the week before it released, but then I forgot all about it. I might need to give it a relisten.

Clearly democracy is a lone Arab on a beach and Trump is Meursault.

But Joe Biden is The Boy Who Lived!

Yeah sure. Let me just bookmark this comment so I can post them here years from now when I'm caught up.

Bah. JSTOR. I shouldn't have to give them my email address to read something from 1925. A pox on them.