Augustus Fink-Nottle

I'll probably take a walk around dusk, maybe watch M (again), hopefully finish with the Georgian Navy and a bit more Le Fanu. Thanks for asking.

What are we doing?


How can we be sure the villain isn't really Zuul?

It's the Betsy Ross flag and no, it does not make sense to be there.

It does. Probably on account of its wingéd chariot.

I don't actually know, it would make sense for him to be as a libertarian. But he once had an "R" next to his name so I guess he gets a pass.

Anecdotally it seems to be hurting him with evangelicals too (at least the ones I'm friends with on fb). They seem to be going Johnson/not voting instead of Hillary, though.

It wasn't.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that he thinks adultery somehow reflects badly on the aggrieved spouse, but it is disgusting nonetheless.

Something I'm downloading just gave me an estimated completion time of "more than one year"

I'm worried in the sense that people who still support him obviously don't really care about anything he says. I don't know that a bad performance would actually hurt him that much.

Well there's that, too.

That wasn't exactly considered a point in his favor in the Bible.

I just happened upon it by a chance remark someone made on an article about a Darkest Dungeon DLC that's coming out. I assume it'd be a lot better with a physical copy (or a giant monitor) - some of the panels are a little too detailed for how I'm viewing them, I think.

You there! You're comic-booky. Is The Marquis: Some Sort of Subtitle for Volume 1 worthwhile?

I'm shocked that an alleged rapist with Russian sympathies would support another alleged rapist with Russian sympathies like that.

I've got that one too.