Stop the killing

In Brazil women can get an illegal abortion from an abortion gang. If things go wrong it doesn't matter. The gang just de capitates the woman and cuts up her body, they don't make moral judgements. They are also abortion pirates.

You call the killing of un-born babies "vital". How warped is your mind. Are you a Nazi? Sorry, let me rephrase that; you are a Nazi.

Please give me her gps coordinates so that I can donate my ww2 torpedo.

The bodies that are killed are the bodies of the little babies.

Yes, when bad people kill babies it always brings tears to my eyes too.

The babies she kills are a lot braver when they face her killing instruments. She laughs and they bleed.

They kill defensless people just like the pirates of old.

Jezebel = gutless baby killers, yes delete this comment too, you censoring restrictive liars.

Listening to pirate radio was fun, killing babies by abortion is no fun.