August Feldner

TO BE PEDANTIC, I didn’t write that Bridgewater missed three years. But by the time the 2018 season starts, it will have been nearly three years since his last meaningful snap.

To me, this is the most unsettling part:

It’s also the “we’re going to walk out of here and you’re going to look like I didn’t just hit you so hard you fell down the stairs” victim-controlling dynamic.

It should have been multiple counts of felony battery that landed him in prison for at least several years. People get sent up the river for so much less than this and without indisputable video evidence. Why do a plea deal with him that doesn’t include significant prison time? You’re not going to have any problem

Maybe not so much nonchalance but fear. Fear is what I see. She’s trying to go on like things are okay to keep from provoking him again.

The most unsettling part is how quickly he turns to assisting her. Picking up her purse, attempting to put her glasses back on. It’s that sort of, “I’m so nice, why do you make me do this?” behavior. The power dynamic of abusers is absolutely chilling.

For me, the reactions of the girlfriend really stood out to me, not that anything about it wasn’t shocking. Rather just her non-chalant reactions made it clear that she was completely used to him doing stuff like that, which is just chilling.


Omaha Omaha

I trust Manning with his choice. He’s always had a HEAD for business.

Are we sure she actually petted the dog and wasn’t just examining its suitability as a future coat?

I remember him from such programs like:

Goddammit, I miss Phil!

From what I’ve seen on TV, I believe it’s normal for one’s nose to bleed when they make something heavy levitate.

Some say Shivlyakov give new meaning to the term “deadlift.” But they have not seen his clean-and-jerk, which the weightlifter performs in a French maid’s outfit.

Isn’t that what usually wins at the Oscars?

Also, the same number as his rape charges.

I’ll have to try this out.