Barf. That is shitty behavior, full stop.
Barf. That is shitty behavior, full stop.
Presidential races have never had much substance, even before television. It’s a myth that’s not supported by much actual evidence, and basically every generation has had this complaint about the generation after them.
Agreed. But I think it is also important to acknowledge that representation matters. It matters that we have more than 17-20% women in the Senate, for a variety of reasons. It matters that we have more women representing us in state and local legislatures. It even matters that we have a woman be the head of state at…
Presumably even those who didn’t recognize her as Gaga realized she was someone famous since she’s like 5'0.
Did Gawker media post about Sanders coughing during the debate like they posted about Hillary’s coughing fit? Or the fact that he was waving his finger at her the entire debate? Or any number of things he does on the campaign trail that would get her crucified?
Nationally she’s leading Sanders about 75-25 among Latinos and African-Americans. While you’re right that this president has not done very well on immigration, Sanders also has problems with the Latino community that are complex and go back quite a ways.
I see it more as thirty years of sustained GOP attacks than a few months, but your point is spot on.
If there’s one thing I can respect about Scalia, it was that the man had an absolutely wicked sense of humor.
As the spouse of a mechanical engineer, I swear that men with any sort of scientific leaning are conditioned to be willfully devoid of common sense.
That Onion headline was way too real.
I hope it doesn’t color your impression in a bad way!! As I’ve said in previous comments, I work in politics so I really love stories about whip smart politicians whose political acumen flies under the radar. (Although I also love openly cunning politicians like LBJ, so I guess I’m in the right industry.)
This is one of my favorite articles about Eisenhower - it talks about how he had a massive ego and temper, but was smart and calculating enough to never show either. He was a remarkable politician.…
I’ve done exactly zero mental gymnastics to keep up with you. People feel differently than you. And those people can be intelligent, and progressive, and Democrats as well. This is a lesson it would do you well to learn sooner rather than later.
Mmk, yes, ALL the campaigns “have a say” in the debate schedule - that is how scheduling works. “Endorsing” is not “shilling,” and the DNC is a party organization built to represent the best interests of the Democratic party. It’s not an elected body, its job is not to be impartial - hell, they don’t even have to have…
She actually didn’t have anything to do with the DNC debate schedule, and the fact that she’s out doing a miserable, exhausting campaign and was one of the only people - even within her campaign - to take Sanders seriously the moment he announced seems like proof enough to me that she is, in fact, working for people’s…
This is exactly how I feel, thanks for articulating it a million times better.
She’s saying that she has been working on what she sees as the issues - foreign policy, women’s rights, health care reform, etc. - longer and harder than anyone else. I’m inclined to agree, but I imagine that even if I didn’t, I would just hear it as a typical stump speech. This is where we differ, because I think you…
Thanks for this incredibly thoughtful response! I will confess that I work on political campaigns, so that kind of powerful party maneuvering, especially in a party as divided as the Democrats, is very impressive to me.
I have no idea what she did or didn’t do on the board of Wal-Mart. I do know that she wasn’t a cabinet member during Bill Clinton’s presidency, and I know that women weren’t doing great in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya long before she got there.
Truman and Eisenhower were both INCREDIBLE egomaniacs. Not that they didn’t accomplish real things, but they were power-hungry narcissists for sure.