
I just don’t see that as particularly entitled. What immediately precedes it is, “I’m going to be out here making my case, answering your questions, doing everything I can to persuade you to come out and vote next Tuesday.” Every politician, especially candidates for president, sells their narrative and their

And consider the nail hit.

He definitely has a type.

This argument really rubs me the wrong way for a few reasons. First, IIRC, Hillary Clinton had very little to say publicly about her husband’s affair, and was blamed and humiliated for it. And second, Monica Lewinsky and the three Clinton accusers were treated horribly and dismissed as liars by the media and the

Maureen Dowd continuing to be horrible aside, I really don’t see this sense of “entitlement” from Hillary Clinton. She’s a hard worker with an incredible amount of experience, and it feels like her daring to show up and run for president gets her accused of entitlement. Is there anything that she has actually said

Can people in their mid-twenties who were beaten down early join?

This doesn’t (or shouldn’t) take away from that accomplishment, but we also have to applaud Blue State and Democratic online fundraising - it has come a long way since 2008.

Is that when Anderson Cooper had to break in and explain what Dodd Frank was to viewers? Because that was exceptional.

I’m trying to think of a scenario in which someone would look at what’s happening in North Korea and vote against sanctions. Finally, an enemy so ridiculously bad that even the Senate can agree on it.

This comment was wild from start to finish. A+.

So your belief is that the CFR is the preeminent governing document in this country, and it is written by the president?

This is literally the stupidest comment I have ever seen. The CFR is basically an interdepartmental rule book for the executive branch. What it regulates are the practices within departments, designates roles and licensure to departments. What it does not do is regulate banks, or trade, or any actual policy issues.

I don’t, because I lived in New York state for years and I understand how politics works there. But sure, it’s CLINTON supporters who are willfully ignorant in this race.

Sorry, I misspoke. I’m not confused. You and others would like to make a big, completely overblown deal about something that is realistically not one in order to trumpet your chosen candidate’s single note campaign. Is that better?

I’m unclear on how getting paid to speak as someone not holding office or running for office will influence their policy, especially since new regulations on banks would not come from the executive branch but the legislative branch.

First of all, I’m 25 years old. I’m pretty sure we’re in the same generation, so you can knock it off with that.

I’m just confused as to how this would influence her policies, especially since she’s not running for a place in the legislature and wasn’t running for anything at the time. She took money from Wall Street and still worked for reform during her time in the Senate. Is the idea that $675,000 is the price that buys a

Since being the First Lady of Arkansas, really.

Yes, you’ve stated exactly my point and not turned it into a straw man at all, many thanks

Thank you!