Edith Piaf's Occipital Ridge

It’s also a very specific lifestyle that evolved to survive under some very specific and super harsh conditions, which is why it isn’t found in places in the world where vegetables and grains will grow.
The idea that a diet which works for people who live in a climate where animal proteins and fats are literally the

The idea is that our caveman ancestors were straight-up carnivores, and they were real and true manly men. Only once we began eating grains and fruits and shit did we get men who are “sensitive” and “don’t beat women”; ergo, eating anything but steak turns you into a total girly-man.
It makes exactly as much sense and

I read that as the three other dudes were either vegetarian or vegan - in other words, they don’t even count as dudes, bro!
The women were definitely all lesbians, though.
I mean, they didn’t want to impress him, so OBVIOUSLY.

The immediate intimacy involved in creating a world and people with someone, especially when the person you create is in love with the person they create — it can make for some intense emotional bonding in a short time, over and over again. Not at all surprising that actors are always falling for their castmates;

Oh, joy! Another round of “let’s all feel sorry for the poor incels” in the comments.
Can we quit it with that shit?
I feel sorry for anyone with that level of self-hatred, sure.
But my pity stops cold when they start talking about what they are “owed” from other people (beyond basic decency), when they get together and

They have to work themselves up into a suicidal rage fantasy in order to raise a hand to anyone — and they usually don’t raise a hand, they point a gun.
Laughing at them to their faces will just get you dragged on a vile subreddit.
(But my opinion might be biased, as I know I can take lots of grown-men punches and stay

When I was 14, I truly believed that the only reason anyone would ever want to be around me was to fuck me. Being a Playboy centerfold would mean that I was safe from abandonment. So, like, the freaking ULTIMATE.
This is how your mind works when you’ve been groomed and abused in childhood.

I have a hard time understanding how anyone can know of the abuse and grooming she was subjected to as a child, and then claim that her hypersexual acting out as a teenager was somehow empowering.
The fact that they seem to be validating the opinions of snubbed coworkers over *her own fucking story in her own fucking

This is how I was taught to make crispy potatoes, too — cast iron skillet and leave them the hell alone. And it works really well for most folks.  But I truly and sincerely suck at leaving things alone, so this is a welcome tip.

Do you use whole or skim milk powder? (I keep a giant can of the whole-fat stuff on hand; mixed with epsom salts and baking soda it makes the best damn bath your skin’s ever had.) But in this context getting more of the sugars and less fat solids would probably be ideal, yeah?

There’s this congenital condition called Madelung’s Deformity. The radiuses — the short straight bone in your arm — stop growing around age 11, while the ulnas — the longer curvy bone right next to the radius — keep going for another eight, ten years. It is a condition which almost exclusively affects females.

Coming out of addiction back into straight life, you already feel like the biggest damn imposter. It feels like your track marks glow through the sleeves of your blazer, that every twitch of the jaw gives you away as a white-knuckling junkie. You feel like everyone *knows*, everyone can tell — you don’t belong here.

From what I’ve read it sounds like they bought shady THC cartridges off the street. Much more likely that, than a shop with their name right there on the label.

I will support the hell out of this dude when he has done real work to un-do the harm he caused. He can’t exactly blame us if we’re looking for the angle — his entire adult life until now has been a performance of self-righteous “virtue” to sell an agenda and its accoutrements.

I’ve been reading a lot this year. Robin Marty’s “Handbook For A Post-Roe America” should be on every woman’s bookshelf, period. I am in awe of this woman’s ability to write about complex legal and medical issues so clearly and accessibly. She’s a goddamn hero, and I want to be her when I grow up.

Not just doctors, not just hospital. Medical (medication-induced) abortion (as oppose to the surgical kind) is so freaking safe that the prescribing of the medications could be easily and safely prescribed by nurse practitioners and/or physicians assistants. In this country we let them prescribe opioids, so why in the

I'm worried about vulnerable women incarcerated with her, to be honest. She's already demonstrated the lengths to which she will go to alleviate feelings of powerlessness/frustration/boredom. 

The doctor who supervises the treatment for my congenital deformity is on board with me using THC and kratom, because all *he* can do for the pain is refer me to a pain management clinic where they can induce and then supervise an opioid addiction. He watches my kidney and liver functions, but has no “significant

My mom worked in a state institution for the mentally disabled.

Lovely. I just cried in my coffee and it was a good way to start my day :). I am so sorry for your loss, it sounds like your husband was a clever, loving man. I’m glad you got the time with him that you did.