
I can’t wait to see the VHS-Beta war handled in such an Oscar-baiting way, next.

I plan to check out a few episodes, but usually find MacFarlane pretty insufferable. I adore Adrienne Palicki, though, so I feel like I should at least give it a shot. This review makes me feel like I might not make it through the second episode, though.

Honestly? Good. It’s been running on fumes since Iannucci left. Still funny one-liners and great acting all around but there has been almost no real plot for a couple years.

Todd must have the weirdest IMDB page. Appeared in a commercial, then right to curating snacks with Quentin Tarantulino, followed by working on HSACWDTKDTKTLFO.


Curious, when the old comments will get added to old articles? I was catching up on a TV show that aired earlier in the year, and enjoying reading the corresponding AV Club review from that time after each episode. But sadly, there were no comments to read after the reviews. Seeing smart/spirited/pun-filled

Yup! They lied, and this community is ruined. As I knew nothing about Kinja, I really did think most commenters on here were just being overly apprehensive of the change, but then when the switch actually happened I went “Damn, could this new site be any more hideous and frustratingly unusable?”. 

I guess a lot of us are spending the weekend sad about how the AV Club we loved is wiped and gone. Kinja is hell, and you lied to us about how extreme the changes would be.

Yeah, you seem like a real winner.

Finally an awards show I’d actually watch.

You were the Southern Californian Forrest Gump.

Considering how often TV pushes the message, “Your family may be abusive dickweeds but you have to love them anyway because that’s what convention dictates”, I think it’s really great that this episode comes out and says, “If your family makes you miserable you can and should cut them out of your life”. Families are

Two years later and I still can’t believe he’s gone. The fact that the author who basically singlehandedly shaped my way of thinking as a teenager and, partially, as a grown-up was still alive and active somehow was incredibly comforting. His death left some part of me hollow.

Other than the food situation, there’s nothing that bugged me more about this sentient animal world than the implication that Garfield still exists as a well known fictional character. Is he just a lazy fat guy? In this world a cat eating lasagna isn’t abnormal.

I watched this episode last night (in order to keep up with these reviews!) and... “I wanna be an architect” punched me in the gut. I wonder how much of the story Bob-Waksberg and the writers have planned ahead?

Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.

“The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? ‘Cause she’s dead.”