
I mean really if you were forced to choose between the two- Social Justice Warrior and the opposite being some insecure white dude who is upset no one cares about his plight, I dunno I guess the former sounds a bit better to me.

I love love love people who use "SJW" as an insult. Because, really, what could be worse that caring about social justice and actually trying to do something about it?

I always imagine people who rail against SJW as people that are upset that others are pointing out uncomfortable truths about their lives. (i.e. straight white boys who resent being told that they maybe kind of have it easier than women and minorities as a group)

Meh, the dominant thought on 4chan and reddit is that they hate feminists. And they do.

"Oh we like Emma, so we wouldn't do that to her. But that Sarkeesian b^&ch? We want her dead."

IT IS NOT 4CHAN. This is a false flag by /whichever agency/, probably NSA or something.

This is a false flag by /whichever agency/, probably NSA or something.

"We don't hate you like we hate the SJW's"

4Chan: SJW's for some causes, like unmasking people they deem worthy of the effort, but not for icky shit like feminism!

Feminism is winning, and 4Chan is shitting itself.

translation: it's totes cool to share women's private pictures but OMG you're sharing anonymous texts from a man! HAVE YOU NO SHAME.

I literally can't fuck a guy who uses the wrong 'your.' Not unlike a legitimate rape, my body just has a way of shutting the whole thing down.

It was that front-hug at the airport. Jim Bob was right. He totally sullied her. It is the road to sin.

You want to know why we get defensive because we get sick and tired of people questioning our decisions, being told we'll change our minds. When what you hold dear is constantly attacked you'd get defensive too. And just so you know I don't agree with the term breeders. I've used it in the past but I've made my peace

Not to excuse any shit behaviours they've had towards you, but the main reason it becomes integral is because we end up hearing it every day. "Why don't you have kids? You're going to regret it! Your womb is soooo empty! Your eggs are dying! Aren't you a bit too old not to want kids?!" — so we're not consciously

And I miss my friends who have kids, especially one of my closest friend from high school. I have gone out of my way to plan child friendly things so she can bring her son. But something always seems to come up. It eventually gets to the point where you stop trying because you get tired of putting in the effort. And

Gosh, boobsmcgee, it's not like pregnancy and childbirth carry the risk of any life-threatening complications, or anything. Stop making silly excuses for your lazy uterus!

As a childfree woman it has to become an integral part of our identities. Just as becoming a parent becomes part of your identity. A lot of us childfree people have to be more vocal about it because it is something we're constantly questioned about. You may not talk about your child around them but the message is

I was talking to my future MIL about kids and I told her that we may consider adoption (we haven't broached the subject of maybe never having kids yet) and I mentioned that one reason is that I fear childbirth and being pregnant. She told me, "That's not a good enough reason to not have (biological) children." Uh... I

I'd insist that those people should go fuck themselves.

My grandmother had 12 children in the days before birth control, and regretted each one. She'd never wanted to get married and have kids. She always wanted to be a seamstress/clothing designer. She was physically and mentally abusive to her chindren. My mother remembers that the only thing she did that could be