
If you were actually curious and not just concern trolling, you could read the article, which very explicitly states that Stephen was informed about the bomb threat last week while investigating some of Sarkeesian's other claims. But I understand that it's much more fun to ignore facts and to suggest that it's part of

Do continue to congratulate yourself for being not a douche to that girl.

Dude, I don't know how else to explain this to you. It has jack shit to do with "inner strength" or "honesty." It's about protecting my damn LIFE.

So, when there was one of these posts yesterday, we all had a long conversation about whether it is acceptable to fade someone out of a casual new relationship. Thanks, everyone who responded! People had mixed feelings, but what I gathered is that women were more likely to think it's okay (personally, I would rather

Its still outsized reactions from men, of a violent nature, because they were rejected by women. Same coin, different sides.

Er, spewing filth at a stranger for not having your needs immediately met is more than over-sensitve. Also, there's a lot of room between being honest about intentions and assuming it's normal to tell a stranger "I need to stuff that ass with my 9-inch dick." Like, before even saying "Hi, how's it going."

I think you underestimate exactly how many messages women get on these sites…

I once signed up for, paid and everything, because this guy seemed really great and interesting and was handsome to boot. I messaged him and didn't get a response back. You know what I did then? NOTHING! I assumed he wasn't interested and moved on! I later canceled my subscription because all of the men

Are you maybe new to Jezebel? Because there's probably like 500 articles here about what happens when women "just say no". But here's a brief summary for you: we're often afraid to say no because we get screamed at, pushed, punched, followed home, followed to work, followed into the bathroom, stalked on various

We are afraid to say no because men are fucking scary. Like seriously, do you follow the internet these days? There's a lot out there about why women have a hard time coming out and saying no.


The first amendment protects your right to say whatever you want. It does not protect you from the consequences of spewing ignorant bullshit and getting called out on it.

It's true. I follow, like, 5 of them and never get any shit done between that and jezebel.

So the racist guy lives up to every part of the stereotype, from demanding which "kinds" of guys she likes through filthy language and a stop at Station Free Speech. I'd swear it was some kind of performance art if I wasn't depressingly positive that this is a real person who thinks this is some kind of debate in

So ... because you don't want to commit, in other words. Also you are not over 30.

Alas, no. What it means is that when you reject a guy, instead of being called a "stuck-up bitch", you'll now be called a "fat slut". Happy days!

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

At least he was dumb enough to implicate himself via e-mail conversation. Can't wait to read about the legal gymnastics his defense team is going to perform to try and make this guy not seem like a creep.

Seriously, revenge porn bothers the shit out of me so much. I wish everyone who is a rabid consumer of these revenge porn sites gets punched in their genitals.